Book Recommendations For Each Enneagram Type

Elisabeth Bennett
14 min readJan 6, 2024

One of our most commend questions over on Enneagram Life is: “What books do you recommend for my type?”

This is such a great questions, and we did some researched and asked your peers what they recommend with some great results. Make sure you look into the books for your wing type too.

So here’s your list:


Present Over Perfect
By Shauna Niequist
(Enneagram 7, your growth point)

“Present Over Perfect is an invitation to this journey that changed my life. I’ll walk this path with you, a path away from frantic pushing and proving, and toward your essential self, the one you were created to be before you began proving and earning for your worth.”

Written in Shauna’s warm and vulnerable style, this collection of essays focuses on the most important transformation in her life, and maybe yours too: leaving behind busyness and frantic living and rediscovering the person you were made to be. Present Over Perfect is a hand reaching out, pulling you free from the constant pressure to perform faster, push harder, and produce more, all while maintaining an exhausting image of perfection.‍

The Gifts of Imperfection
By Brené Brown

When our embarrassments and fears lie, we often listen to them anyway. They thwart our gratitude, acceptance, and compassion — our goodness. They insist, “I am not…

