Navigating Your Baby Registry + All The Baby Links

Elisabeth Tavierne
9 min readJun 23, 2022

The baby registry. To be honest — creating a baby registry gave me so much stress. I wanted to make sure we had the best items for Noah, without going overboard. I literally spent HOURS on mom blogs, researching different baby brands, + texting my mom friends, “Do we actually need this?”

It’s normal to want to get *all the things* for your baby, but in actuality you don’t need much for your newborn. The essentials [IMO]: diapers, car seat [if you drive], a few onesies, whatever you decide to do for sleeping, + lots + lots of love. Everything else is a cherry on top!

I compiled this baby list to help first-time moms navigate their baby registry + hopefully prevent you from feeling as stressed out as I was. I promise you’ll find your groove. Take what resonates + leave the rest. You’ll know what’s best for you + your babe! Sending you lots of love + newborn hugs.


  • I used Baby List to create my registry
  • Keep tags on everything + keep track of the “return by date.”
  • If you find yourself stressing that you might be missing something, remember that you can buy pretty much everything on Amazon + it will come to your house in 2 days or less.


#1] Sleep + Lounge: We got this Moses Bassinet + Stand, as well as the Dockatot. We’ll be getting this crib when the time comes. Love that it converts to a toddler bed! I’m eyeing the Avocado Crib Mattress, Naturepedic Baby Crib Protector Pad, Mushie Crib Sheet, + Cozy Earth Crib Sheet. We currently co-sleep, which has been working really well for us — using bed railings.

#2] To Swaddle or Not To Swaddle? If you’re going to swaddle, definitely get The Ollie + Halo [they are both very easy]. Most babies like swaddling [it seems like], but Noah never took to it. I’ve also heard amazing things about Baby Merlin’s Magic Sleep Suit for when they are a bit older. IMO, you really only need 2 swaddles.

#3] Nursery Hamper: This is not a need, but this hamper is adorable + went with our boho vibes. It’s a good idea to have a nursery hamper if you want to wash your baby’s clothes separetely + with a different detergent. However, my opinion is to just wash everyone’s clothes with non-toxic, baby friendly detergent! We like Branch Basics + The Laundress.

#4] Monitor: Right now we live in a small apartment, so we don’t have a monitor — but I’ll get the Nanit Pro when it’s time for us to get a monitor!

#5] Sound Machine: We’ve been using our phone [Spotify White Noise] when we need it. Everyone loves the HatchRest+ [sound machine + night light… also, this night light is adorable] for sleep, + Baby Shusher or Hushh for an on-the-go sound machine.

#6] Yoga Ball: This was particularly needed the first month… Isaac loved calming Noah with this yoga ball by bouncing him on it gently [+ I love that it’s white — because most yoga balls I’ve seen are a bright blue!]. Also, some people love yoga balls during labor, so that’s something to potentially have on hand!

#7] Nursing Chair: I did a lot of research on nursing chairs, + I’m so glad I went with the Babyletto Kiwi. It’s expensive, but worth it. Even Isaac is obsessed with it. We keep it in our living room!

#8] Handmade Quilt: One of the most thoughtful gifts we received is a handmade quilt from Isaac’s sister. We worked with Thread And Iron to create a quilt, just for Noah. I’m already imagining this quilt being “passed down” to his future children. Melts my heart!

#9] Humidifier: A lot of people recommended a humidifier, so we got this one, however we don’t use it that much because we also have the Dyson Air Purifier. I can see us using it more when we sleep in separate rooms!


#1] Diaper Pail: Ubbi is our go-to.

#2] Diaper Changing Station: For diapers, we are using Hello Bello + Coterie. I had some trouble with Coterie in the beginning with sizing, but I love that they are a monthly subscription, so that you don’t need to worry about ordering more diapers. Keekaroo changer [worth the $$$ IMO], changing pad liners, water wipes, diaper balm, + a basket to store a few of everything in. As of right now, we change Noah on the ground in our bedroom [+ store the Keekaroo changer under our bed].

*Not needed — Baby Wipe Warmer. I read this in a lot of blogs, so we bought it… but I ended up returning it. I’m glad I did! It took some time for Noah to get used to the “cold” water wipes, but it doesn’t seem like he’s bothered by it at all anymore.

#3] Bath Items: Right now all the baths I give Noah, I’m in the bath tub with him — so we never used the Puj Flyte Infant Bath Tub we got [great for sinks]. I’ve heard good things about this baby bath, too. For shampoo/body wash, we went with Tubby Todd + Babo Botanicals. Weleda Baby Oil for baby massages, baby washcloths + of course a cute hooded towel is essential ; ).

#4] All The “Frida” Things: Chances are you’ve heard of the brand Frida Baby. They have all the things! We like the NoseFrida, NailFrida, Thermometer.


#1] Stroller + Car Seat: We went with the UppaBaby Vista 2 Stroller + Mesa Car Seat, because they are compatible, + the UppaBaby can accommodate two kids [apparently even three — there is a place where the third, oldest kid can stand during strolling].

  • Jogging stroller, *We didn’t get this, but have heard great things if you’re interested!
  • I’ve heard great things about the Doona for travel, but we didn’t go with this because the babies typically only stay in that stroller/carseat for 12–15 months.
  • Eventually, we’ll probably get a lightweight stroller for traveling… but we’ll see! We absolutely love baby carrying, + have done that the most while out.
  • *I live in California right now, but if I lived in a cold weather state — I would get this cocoon.

#2] Baby Carriers: We are a family that loves carriers ; ) + prefer carriers over strollers. Granted, Noah is still very young [2 months] — so it will interesting to see how each carrier grows with us.

  • Artipoppe — Went back + forth on buying one because it’s so $$$, but we ended up doing it + I truly love it! Ask anyone who has it for a referral code + you’ll both get $50 off. This is our go-to carrier.
  • Solly Wrap — Super cozy wrap. It’s a little annoying to put on/off though.
  • Wildbird — I don’t have this, but I think I’ll try it for our next newborn. The patterns are so pretty! Stay tuned for thoughts.
  • BabyBjorn Baby Carrier Free — We were between this + the ErgoBaby. They both have good reviews, so I don’t think you can go wrong!
  • Osprey Poco Child Carrier Backpack — Haven’t used this yet, but can’t wait to use it for hiking + backpacking adventures!

#3] Portable Baby Changing Pad: I love the Mushie Portable Pad — I can easily store water wipes, a changing pad liner, 2 diapers, diaper bag dispenser, + a change of clothes in it!

#4] Pacifier: Noah hasn’t taken to the pacifier at all, but we have this one.

#5] For The Car: Back seat mirror + car window shades

*Diaper Bag: I never got a diaper bag! I almost went with this one, but I’m glad I didn’t. I use my old Lululemon Backpack + it works great ; )


#1] How Many Clothes Do You Really Need In Each Size? This was a question that I googled over + over again. In our experience — not many. The majority of the first month he was in his diaper + a blanket in our arms! IMO, start here + then you can see how your baby grows + what your preferences are for clothing.

#2] All The Blankets + Burp Cloths: The first month especially, our babe lived in his diaper + a blanket.

#3] Teething Necklace: I’ll be getting this Raw Honey Amber Necklace when he starts teething.

#4] Clothing Organizer: Love these for a dresser to organize sizes + types of clothing! Also, baby hangers for closet! I prefer everything in a dresser, though.


#1] Play gym: I’m a big fan of Montessori learning, so the Lovevery Baby Play Gym was an easy decision!

#2] Toys: I’ll be doing The PlayKits by Lovery — going to start it at either 3/4 or 5/6!

#3] Bouncer: Baby Bjorn Bouncer Bliss is a must.

#4] Books: Instead of cards, encourage people to write a note in a baby book!

#5] Sheepskin Baby Rug: Love this one — so soft + cozy!

#6] Teethers: Noah hasn’t started to need teethers yet [typically 3–7 months when teeth start coming in], but this one + this one are so cute.


#1] All The Breastfeeding Things: Get all the things so that you have it on hand + you can return anything that you don’t use— nipple shield, silverette, breast care kit, nursing pads, nursing pillow, haaka, nipple butter. I ended up returning everything besides the pillow + haaka. You’ll know what works best for you when the times comes.

#2] Bottle Feeding + Formula: Como Tomo Bottles, Breastmilk Storage Bags, Spectra M2 Pump [I was able to get it free with my insurance — definitely check yours!], we haven’t used formula but I’ve heard good things about Hollie + Bobbie. We have the Boon Law for drying bottles, but haven’t used it at all yet, since I mostly breastfeed right now. I also got Medela Micro-Steam Bags but have yet to use them.

#3] Starting Solids: I love the brand Mushie for feeding accessories around 6 months when they start solids. We got The Chair by Lalo , but I’ve heard great things about the Stokke High Chair, too!

#5] Nursing Cover: I wasn’t sure how comfortable I’d feel about breastfeeding in public, so I added this cute nursing cover to the registry. I don’t use it for nursing, but it’s great as a breathable blanket over the stroller.

For Mama

Wow! This list turned out to be a lot more massive than I thought. I’ll continue to update this list as Noah grows + we learn more about his likes/dislikes : )

You got this mama!


