How to submit DMCA in Telegram and Protect Your Copyright?

Telegram DMCA
2 min readOct 13, 2021


Have you ever experienced online piracy in Telegram? Are you a content creator who is worried about protecting your copyright online?

Telegram is a popular messaging app with over 500 million active monthly users since its launch in 2013. Similar to other communication apps like WhatsApp and Facebook Messenger, Telegram allows users to send messages to friends while connected to the Internet. Unlike WhatsApp, Telegram does not limit file sharing by extension type and allows larger files to be shared. The app also distinguishes itself from other competitors by offering end-to-end encryption to ensure that no one can access your private chat content. Its zero-tolerance policy towards online piracy also shows the company’s emphasis on security.

All these benefits sound great on paper, but they could also be Telegram’s weaknesses. In fact, Telegram’s ecosystem is extremely piracy-friendly as it allows unrestricted uploads of different types of media for free. Users can upload thousands of songs, books and movies onto their channels without paying a penny, and Telegram enables direct downloads. This creates fertile ground for piracy and copyright infringement. Copyright owners pay the ultimate price while thieves enjoy the financial benefits and the popularity of Telegram.

Telegram’s setup makes protecting your copyright difficult, but it is not impossible. In fact, we have everything you need! For more than a year, we have been working on an effective technology to find, verify, and takedown infringing content on Telegram and beyond. Our product allows the protection of any content type in the Telegram ecosystem in every language. Our takedowns take less than 48 hours and are guaranteed thanks to our partnership with the Telegram team!

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