Revenge porn and other types of explicit movies and images can be taken down in Telegram

Telegram DMCA
2 min readOct 16, 2021


TelegramDMCA is one of the leading content removing services in Telegram

It is not uncommon for content sharing platforms such as Telegram to distribute exposing content including revenge porn and other types of explicit movies. These criminal actions, punishable in most jurisdictions, are often targeted at tarnishing someone’s image in public and among friends and family. However, taking legal action against the perpetrator is not always sufficient to put an end to their deeds, or others. Even if convicted in court, there is no guarantee that the content in question is removed within websites, search engine results, and platforms such as the Telegram messaging applications.

Can we remove RevengePorn in Telegram?

The short answer is “Yes”! Of course there are steps to be taken and procedure to follow, but ultimately, the exposing content such as rage porn can be taken down from public and private channels as well as bots in Telegram. For this, you need to know the address of the channel/bot and which pots(s) included the content in question. The rest can be done through our services.

How should I initiate the process of content removal?

First of all, visit our website here and fill out the necessary forms. Then, one of our team members will contact you to ask for more details and confirm your identity. If everything adds up, the content in question should be removed within the next 48 hours from Telegram. If the channel tries to reupload the rage porn or other types of exposing content from you, we will shut down and block the channel completely.

For more information about how to take down Revenge Porn and other types of private and exposing images, movies, and sounds from Telegram, Search engines, and other content sharing platforms visit our website:

