Contact GST Goods and Tax Services

Elisa Kelly
2 min readOct 20, 2018


GST is one aberrant assessment for the entire country, which will make India one bound together regular market. GST is a solitary assessment on the supply of merchandise and ventures, ideal from the producer to the shopper. Credits of information charges paid at each stage will be accessible in the ensuing phase of significant worth expansion, which makes GST basically an expense just on esteem expansion at each stage. The last shopper will in this way bear just the GST charged by the last merchant in the production network, with set-off advantages at all the past stages.

The Goods and Services Tax (GST) is a value-added tax levied on most goods and services sold for domestic consumption. The GST is paid by consumers, but it is remitted to the government by the businesses selling the goods and services. In effect, GST provides revenue for the government.

At the Central level, the following taxes are being subsumed:

1. Central Excise Duty,

2. Additional Excise Duty,

3. Service Tax,

4. Additional Customs Duty commonly known as Countervailing Duty, and

5. Special Additional Duty of Customs.

At the State level, the following taxes are being subsumed:

1. Subsuming of State Value Added Tax/Sales Tax,

2. Entertainment Tax (other than the tax levied by the local bodies), Central Sales Tax (levied by the Centre and collected by the States),

3. Octroi and Entry tax,

4. Purchase Tax,

5. Luxury tax, and

6. Taxes on lottery, betting and gambling.

Goods and services tax (GST) is a tax on domestic consumption. The tax is paid when money is spent on goods or services, including imports. It is a multi-stage tax which is collected at every stage of the production and distribution chain.

“Output tax” is the GST a registered trader charges on his local supplies of goods and services. The tax is collected by him on behalf of the Comptroller of GST. “Input tax” is the GST that the trader has paid on purchases of goods and services for the purpose of his business. The input tax is deductible from output tax to arrive at the GST payable by the trader, or amount to be refunded to him.

