ChatGpt hidden parameters: how to use them to improve workplace safety

Elisa Rossini
2 min readApr 12, 2023


ChatGPT, with its advanced natural language processing capabilities, can be utilized to analyze large amounts of safety data in real-time. It can identify potential hazards and provide timely recommendations to prevent accidents.

Additionally, it can be used to provide safety training and support to employees in a personalized and interactive manner, improving their safety awareness and reducing the risk of accidents. Overall, ChatGPT can be an invaluable tool for promoting a safer workplace and preventing accidents.

In this context, artificial intelligence offers many opportunities to improve workplace safety and artificial intelligence is an advanced technology that enables machines to learn and act autonomously based on data and algorithms. This means that artificial intelligence can be used to analyze large amounts of data on workplace safety, identify risks, and prevent accidents more effectively than traditional methods.

There are several commands and techniques that can be used to improve or diversify the response of ChatGPT and make it more performant. Here are some examples:

  1. Temperature control: temperature control is a technique that allows you to vary the creativity of ChatGPT’s output. This can be done by adjusting the temperature of the model’s hidden parameters. At higher temperatures, the model will be more creative and produce more surprising output, but it may be less coherent and accurate. At lower temperatures, the model will be less creative but produce more accurate and predictable output. To use temperature control in ChatGPT, you can use the “ — temperature” parameter with a value between 0 and 1 (e.g., “ — temperature 0.8”).
  2. Output length control: output length control allows you to specify the maximum length of the output produced by ChatGPT. This can be done using the “ — length” parameter, which allows you to specify the maximum number of words or characters in the output. This way, you can control the length of the output produced by the model.
  3. Input prompt control: the input prompt is the description or question that you provide to ChatGPT to guide the generation of the output. The choice of prompt can greatly influence the output produced by the model. It is important to provide a clear and specific prompt to get the desired output. For example, if you want to generate a horror story, the prompt should be something like “Write a horror story in which…” or “Imagine being trapped in a haunted house…”. This way, ChatGPT will have a clear guide for generating the output.
  4. Use of fine-tuning models: fine-tuning is a technique that allows you to train ChatGPT on a specific dataset, thus improving the quality and specificity of the output. There are several fine-tuning models available for ChatGPT, which can be used to tailor the model to specific industries or topics. For example, you can use the “GPT-3 for Conversational AI” model to train ChatGPT on generating conversations.

In general, using these commands and techniques can help improve the quality and specificity of the output produced by ChatGPT, making it more performant and suitable for the user’s needs.

