Elise Smith
Jan 10, 2023


Pitter, patter, trickle and pour,

Drip, drop, plop bouncing off my umbrella.

Splish, sploshing in the puddles,

BOOM, zap, crack!

The sky is alive and aglow,

Glaring me in the eye.

The howling gales blow through me, I lose my footing,

I land in a heap.

Soaked through to my shivering core,

More and more she pours.

I’d rather be sipping hot cocoa, warm and dry.

Than slipping and dripping, wet through.

Elise Smith©

Photo by Osman Rana on Unsplash
Elise Smith

Author of The New Zealand Dream Trilogy by Sheila, co author of “Johnathan,” featured in East Coast anthology blogger, writing coach and writing services.