Robotina — Revolutionizing the traditional power network

5 min readApr 20, 2018


Electrical energy is the most convenient form of energy for most human uses. It can be used for running computers and most appliances, home heating, and even transportation. Electricity is used by industry, households, and businesses, and accounts for 18% of end use energy worldwide.For the last decade, global electrical power generation has grown rapidly to meet the continuous demand of electricity.Beside the growing consumption, the ever higher price of electricity that is influenced by the uncontrolled peaks in the network/grid and unstable electrical networks can seriously endangers our lifestyle and natural environment.These problems are cause by unstable sources from renewable energy for it only produce energy when the weather is favorable, more electric vehicles , and new technologies which hasn’t enabled a price-favorable storage facility of larger quantities of electrical energy. With these issues electrical energy encountered we have to find a solution not only to save money and electricity,but also our environment.


Robotina Platform is a state-of-the-art-technology, combining internet of things, artificial intelligence and blockchain to reduce electric energy consumption. We make power grids smart. You save money, earn ROX Tokens and contribute to a greener environment and sustainable development of mankind.

Robotina platform is powered by 3 technologies .The Internet of Things (IoT),The artificial intelligence (AI), and Blockchain technology are the 3 technologies that will help robotina plaform work and provides solution to electrical energy problems. Robotina and connected IoT will execute thousands of calculations per second. Each calculation will result in a small benefit and a small slice of revenue, which will accumulate every second. IoT senses and controls assets with local intelligence. They are connected to the cloud based services, which process the information and optimize processes to best meet the user’s needs and requirements.While Artificial Intelligence will cracks the real time smart grid data into valuable information and provides the rewards to its members.Robotina use AI and machine learning to build and constantly improve models, which allow us to predict consumption and we use cognitive optimization to achieve optimal results. And Blockchain technology allows to disrupt the electricity market and implement a collaborative sharing economy business model, which distributes numerous benefits to the participating users. The platform users will be anonymous, but the contract is public on a decentralized ledger.With the help of these 3 innovative technology, Robotina platform users can control and monitor energy consumption through Robotina web and mobile app.This way you can minimize your energy expense and save money.Robotina will also give you a safe and secured service by notifying you if there ‘s a dangerous or unusual activity.They also offer a community book where you can interact and participate in sharing economy business model.

Other benefits of robotina platform for users:

  • POWER SELLING: Community members will use smart grids to earn revenue based on and in correlation with their activities.
  • CROWD BUYING: The platform will enable users to form and participate in the crowd buying initiatives in order to negotiate significant discounts on energy prices.
  • MARKETPLACE ACTIVITIES: Users will be able to sell or buy various services, available to the connected users and 3rd parties.
  • INTERNAL TRADE: Those who produce energy will be able to sell it to other users, thus eliminating the need for middleman and unnecessary costs.
  • DATA SALES: Community will sell anonymous data to the grid stakeholders and remunerate participating users.
  • ENERGY SERVICE COMPANY (ESCO) & VIRTUAL POWER PLANT (VPP) CROWD FUNDING: Users will be able to use Robotina Utility Tokens (ROX) in order to participate in crowd funding of the profitable projects using ESCO or VPP schemes.

Benefits for big and corporate users:

  • ENERGY EFFICIENCY AND FAULT PREDICITION: Robotina Cognitive Optimization System will help large consumers and corporate users reduce their energy and maintenance expenses by an estimated 30 %.

White paper:

Check out Robotina’s whitepaper to understand more on how robotina platform works and how it can give benefits to its users.You can also visit them on if you want to participate in the crowd sale event.And get to know the them behind the project and see future development on the roadmap.

Robotina Utility Token (ROX) will be use by members in Robotina Platform. It will be an application specific token, built on top of the existing Ethereum blockchain, with various utility features.



tokens will exclusively be used in Energy Service Company (ESCO) which will implement the energy efficiency projects for business customers, who will have a great opportunity to save energy and manage costs


Robotina Platform will have an in-built App Store where ROX and other currencies will be used when buying hardware, software and numerous services.


All subscriptions will be paid monthly and will get 3 % off if paid by ROX. All subscriptions will be locked for 6 months into a smart contract.


Platform will enable connected users to actively participate in the ecosystem and share their data with the Platform, for which they will be awarded with ROXs, power trade and a share (%) from all hardware sales, in correlation with their active participation.


All members holding ROX will be able to identify themselves within the community and participate in members only benefits including group buying, Virtual Power Plant (VPP) Fund and Energy Service Company (ESCO) Pool.


Virtual Power Plants (VPP) will give to the ROX holders without solar power plants or other relevant energy related assets a chance to participate in benefits, derived from energy and power trading.



For more details and updates you can see them on:







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