The USA is Broken

It is a failed state built on systemic inequality and injustice

Eli Weir
2 min readJun 2, 2020

Along with the rest of the world, I have watched with sadness, but not surprise, as the situation in the #USA escalates. This is not something that has happened suddenly, but is a long time coming…

I have lived and worked in the USA. Geographically, the USA is a wonderful place. There are many wonderful people within its borders. But, the USA as a nation, is a corrupt and failed state built on systemic inequality and injustice.

Along with the rest of the world, I have watched with. disgust as the USA has spent its resources time and again, not to elevate its own citizens, or humanity in general, but to invade, steal, oppress, weaken and bully. USA domestic and foreign policy have caused untold damage to the environment and humanity’s progress. The USA spends trillions of dollars on waging war across the globe, and yet cannot provide adequate healthcare, education, or housing to its citizens.

The USA constantly yells in a shrill voice about freedom and human rights, but has created a society devoid of both, where the colour of your skin and the size of your bank account determines how safe and free you will be.

Go far enough back, and all of our ancestors were gloriously black. Given how adventurous we are as a species and how much smaller the world is now with advances in technology, go far enough forward and all of our descendants will be a beautiful shade of brown. In the USA and in every nation, people need to stand up and join together to create the world they want their grandchildren living in. We are all human. We are all the same.

I say “Kia Kaha!” to all of my fellow humans in the USA who have said, finally, that enough is enough. Stand strong! Stay the course. It will be hard work and it will take time, but a change is needed.

People are not inherently good or bad because of their skin colour, or which nation they were born in. Constant exposure to cultural values and institutions shape a person. The USA is morally bankrupt and institutionally flawed. It’s time to change that.

Continue to protest against the injustice you have witnessed, the rise of facism, white supremacy, and police brutality. But, please also VOTE. Every single vote counts. Vote for change, for justice, for equality, and for a better future.


