Lix Platform video contest

Lix Platform
2 min readJan 7, 2018


Dear community members:

Lix Platform is announcing a video creation contest, for promoting LIX and Lix Platform.

The purpose of the videos made is for:
1 — promoting LIX and Lix Platform as a brand
2 — promoting LIX as a cryptocurrency
3 — promoting LIX ICO
4 — spreading awareness of Lix Platform among gamers

To participate in this contest, you must create 5 short original videos and upload them to youtube, then send links to them on this email:

Videos requirements:
a — minimum 2 minutes long ‘Lix intro video’ (our ANN in video version and any additions you see fit) — mandatory voiceover
b — two 90 seconds long videos about blockchain benefits for gaming — mandatory voiceover
c — 30 second ‘lix brand’ video — animation of the Lix logo, arbitrary text/voiceover/etc.
d — 3 minutes long video ‘why i think lix platform will bring big changes to the gaming industry and cryptosphere’

All videos must have a resolution of at least 1280×720 pixels.
Videos must be uploaded to youtube and links to them sent to ADD EMAIL, until 22. February 2018, by 13.00 UTC (this is the deadline).

We will choose 3 (three) entrants (sets of videos made and entered into competition per ‘Videos requirements’) for 3 main prizes:
- First prize: $5000 LIX coins at ICO price
- Second prize: $4000 LIX coins at ICO price
- Third prize: $3000 LIX coins at ICO price

Lix Platform may also award several arbitrary prizes to individual outstanding videos.

Terms and conditions:
Videos may not contain any price speculations (because that could cause Lix Platform legal issues).
All videos submitted (whether they are chosen on the contest for awards or not) may be used by the Lix Platform for its own promotion.
Videos that do not meet all contest requirements will not compete for the main prizes.
Videos sent in after the deadline are not eligible to participate in the contest, however Lix Platform may still use them for its own promotion.

Join us on Lix telegram for any questions:



Lix Platform

The Lix Crowdfunding Platform for games was conceived in early 2016 to provide the gaming industry a robust block-chain solution for game development.