Android Beta, Boost Rewards and Lending

4 min readApr 30, 2018


This week, we’ll be releasing our Android build to a few early creators. In addition, our app now supports requesting tokens, and we also support continuous backing for products with volatility-adjusted rewards. Check out all the details below!

Beta Signups

875 people have signed up for the Beta. If you haven’t already, you can sign up here.

Early Creators

As we mentioned this week, we’ve received over 80 submissions for Boost projects. On average, we receive 2–3 submissions a day. This leads us to believe that the content of our platform should grow organically due to people’s desire to promote and support their own projects, in addition to other marketing. As an example of cool projects we like to support, this week we had an engineer contact us about creating a multisig smart contract. We also have several creators working on crypto-accessories and gadgets.

If you haven’t already, be sure to sign up your project on our creator portal here.

App Screenshots

Our designer has been working on screenshots for the App Store. Below, we share a few of the images they’ve created. This will help people discover and preview the app before downloading it.

Exploring and discovering projects is one of the most important aspects of our app:

We also want our users to submit their own projects:

And managing transactions is important as well:

There’s a few more screenshots that we’ll share in the near future.


This week we’ve added support for continuously funded projects. After talking to a bunch of potential creators, we realized that there was a need to create a different type of project where users could continuously pledge so tokens or ether could be dispersed as needed to the creators. This type of project is ideal for something that doesn’t need a set amount up front to get running, but instead can give users rewards incrementally as they pledge. We also added in a simple volatility adjustment so that creators can specify a fiat amount they’d like to receive to send the contributor their reward and in-app we will show the user how much ELIX they should pledge, adjusted for the current ELIX price.

We’ve also updated the app to build for Android and have been testing on Android emulators. We purchased an Android device to do some device level testing before inviting some people to try the Android beta, and are testing the build on Android early this week.

Users now have the ability to request tokens from their contacts in-app. We’ll be adding in the ledger for users to keep track of and manage their incoming and outgoing requests as the UI for this is updated to match the rest of our cool new designs. If you’re testing the Beta, keep in mind that the Notifications and Ledger page are coming soon. An updated chats UI is also designed and planned for the near future.

In the next build (scheduled to be released in the next 24 hours as soon as Apple approves it) we’ve invited the first 30 iPhone testers to try the new build. If you receive an invite, you can use the trollbox to provide any feedback on the app. To download the ELIX app, just install Testflight and then click the invitation link in the email. We’re also in the process of adding new projects to the app every few builds. The app uses Ropsten Ether and Ropsten ELIX (not real tokens or ether), so use the trollbox to let us know you if you need some of either.

We’d love your feedback on our progress! Let us know what you think on our social channels. Be sure to take part in the Beta by signing up here and try out the ELIX app as it rolls out.

Be sure to sign up to get early access to the Beta on our homepage as well as connect via social media on Reddit, Twitter, Discord, and Telegram. We also have new Facebook and Instagram pages, and a newsletter you can sign up for at the bottom of our website. Our Creator Portal is also open for submissions here! If you have any questions, let us know and we’d be glad to help clear things up!

