Beta Progress: Full Steam Ahead

3 min readApr 24, 2018


We’ve been hard at work making many improvements to our Beta builds! Already, a few of our community members are testing out the app and providing valuable feedback. We’ll continue distributing the app to more people over the next few weeks.

Sign Up For the Beta

If you haven’t already, be sure to sign up for the Beta here! So far, there are 769 people waiting to try the Beta.

Creator Portal

Our early Creator Portal is accepting submissions for projects. If you’re an entrepreneur or creator and want a way to support your own project, submit your idea here. If your project is featured, we’ll match the first 500 Elix pledged.

UI Progress

Below are some examples of frontend improvements we’ve made to the Beta over the last week.

Here’s what the send page now looks like:

And here’s how we’ve updated the contribute page:

The wallet also now shows Pending Elix transactions. This allows users to verify the status of their Elix transactions while they are waiting to be included in an Ethereum block. Here’s what that looks like inside the wallet page:

The filtering and sorting page now has the following look:

These are just a few of the many recent UI improvements we’ve made.


The design firm recently unveiled a new Activity page look. The Activity page will allow users to peruse notifications about recent actions in the app. Our intention is to keep the majority of the Activity page referencing blockchain based activity, in order to keep the setup focused on decentralization. Here’s what that Activity page should look like:

To view notifications, users will be prompted with the following page:


This week we’ve been focused on iterating through feedback from early testers and pumping out new builds as fast as possible. We’ve updated parts of the UI to make them clearer, squashed some bugs, optimized the app for different iPhone models and added in some new small features. We’ve created and checked off a lot of tickets this week — things like adding in custom modal animations, changing up the contribute flow, and making sure the top part of the app still looks beautiful on an iPhoneX. We’d like to thank our early testers and the ones we’ll be adding over the next couple weeks for your suggestions — they’ve been really helpful to us as we implement the little details that will make using the app an even better experience for everyone.

We’d love your feedback on our progress! Let us know what you think on our social channels! Be sure to take part in the Beta by signing up here and try out the ELIX app as it rolls out.

Be sure to sign up to get early access to the Beta on our homepage as well as connect via social media on Reddit, Twitter, Discord, and Telegram. We also have new Facebook and Instagram pages, and a newsletter you can sign up for at the bottom of our website. Our Creator Portal is also open for submissions here! If you have any questions, let us know and we’d be glad to help clear things up!




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