Creating A Product With ELIX: 3 Simple Steps + Design & Marketing Progress

3 min readSep 25, 2018


Welcome to this week’s round of ELIX updates! Keep reading to check out everything we’ve been up to over the past week.

Get The ELIX App

Be sure to try out our crowdfunding app. Click on the image below to download for iOS.

Click on the image below to download for Android.

Creator Portal

Click on the above image to submit a crowdfunding project

Be sure to submit a crowdfunding project to if you’re a creator and are looking to crowdfund a project!


Click on the image to participate in the latest giveaway

If you haven’t already, be sure to participate in our latest giveaway here. One winner will be selected every day.

Web Portal Progress

This week we’re excited to share a preview of our upcoming product portal! Check out the video below to see how easy it will be to create products for the ELIX crowdfunding and products pages.


Jane & Rosello have been working hard creating new designs for ELIX. Here are a few of the improved web pages they’ve designed over the last few weeks:

Team setup for campaigns could look as follows:

The call to action to invite additional team members helps onboard more people onto ELIX.

Here’s a new and improved design proposal for the campaign setup page:

Here’s a page allowing users to add rewards:

There are lots more designs in the works that we’ll continue to share in the near future!

To grow ELIX we’re focusing on curating content from our blog posts and repurposing them for our social channels. This has increased our web presence and driven more traffic towards the Elixir website. We’re paying close attention to analytics, especially traffic, impressions and referrals. As an example, over the last 86 days, ELIX earned 1.5 Million impressions on Twitter:

As we continue to improve our product and release new features, having a larger audience will help take ELIX to the next level.

That’s all for this week! Be sure to sign up to get the app on our homepage as well as connect via social media on Reddit, Twitter, Discord, and Telegram. Check out our new website blog here. We also have Facebook and Instagram pages, and a newsletter you can sign up for at the bottom of our website. To create your own project, sign up to be an Early Creator here. Stay tuned and follow our Medium Blog for exciting updates!

