Getting Ready For Beta

4 min readApr 10, 2018


We’ve been hard at work getting our early creators ready for the ELIX Beta! We’ve gotten some great submissions and will be bringing projects onto the platform as we receive all the relevant information about each project. We’re excited to share these projects with the community as the ELIX platform goes live.

Sign Up For The Beta!

As our Beta gets closer, be sure you’ve sign up to try the app out! You can sign up on our homepage here!

Creator Videos

If you’re a creator, making a video about your project is the most effective way to catch people’s attention and get them interested! This also allows your audience to get to know you better and learn about your story. When you submit a project to Boost, try to make a video that piques people’s interest.


In case you missed our Beta sneak peek video last week, here’s an update on the frontend redesign. All redesign is now completed for the crowdfunding sections of the app, as well as sending tokens and the adding/managing contacts functionality. Here’s one example of the updated send page:

Rewards & Delivery

Creators will be able to manage rewards for backers. Here’s what that might look like:

Creators will also be able to let backers know when they can expect to receive rewards:

Estimated delivery dates help clarify when a backer’s reward will be ready.


To start, we’re going to allow each project to be tagged in up to three different categories. That way, if a project is a blockchain game, that game will be able to be tagged in both the blockchain and gaming categories.

When a creator sets up a project, they’ll be able to select up to three different categories from a list that will look similar to this:

Early on, we’ll be setting up all of the information about each project ourselves. This will allow us to focus on optimizing the most essential features like pledging or interacting with projects.


We’re working on streamlining how new projects are created and managed. This means we’ll be able to bring projects online much faster and our app will be more scalable.

In addition, we’ve added our own authentication layer into the app so that users can easily interact with off-chain services. Although the goal is for everything to be decentralized eventually, we want to keep costs low for users so we’ve developed our own set of API endpoints to handle some of the features which add to user experience, but are less important to keep on-chain.

We also want to protect user’s privacy and make the app as simple to set up as possible, so instead of requiring users to sign up with social sites or go through a separate account creation process, we will be issuing an access token associated with a user’s wallet address to their device by verifying a signed message. If users switch devices, they can be granted a new access token in the same way that they can set up an existing wallet. We’ll be using this token to allow users to post some off chain information, such as adding a biography to their creator profile. By having the flexibility to allow for off-chain events, we can keep all important transactions on-chain, but allow for a more full app experience without users incurring costs for these features.

Starting next week we’ll be rolling out a limited test of the Beta on the Ropsten testnet with a handful of new users to thoroughly test out some of the subtle (but impactful!) changes we’ve been making recently. We’ll make any changes that are necessary based on the feedback of these very early users and then we’ll switch to the MainNet for sending out our beta to more users on our waitlist. We’ve decide to do this rolling style release so that we can get some fresh feedback before taking everything live, but most users will experience the Beta on the MainNet right away and there’s no potential for users to send real Ether to their test wallets and lose it.

Be sure to sign up to get early access to the Beta on our homepage!

Connect with us via social media on Reddit, Twitter, Discord, and Telegram. Our Creator Portal is also open for submissions here! We also have Facebook and Instagram pages, and a newsletter you can sign up for at the bottom of our website. If you have any questions, let us know and we’d be glad to help clear things up!

