Introducing Explore: An Easy Way To Browse Products And Campaigns On ELIX

2 min readNov 27, 2018


This week marks a major milestone at ELIX! We’ve just enabled Explore, a feature allowing you to browse and filter products and campaigns on ELIX. Keep reading to learn all the details!

Sign Up

If you’re just finding out about ELIX, welcome! Create an account so can Explore products, campaigns and submit your own. Join ELIX here or click the Create Project button below:


Once you’ve signed up, it’s time to start exploring products and campaigns. Use the “Explore” item in the upper left menu to filter products and campaigns based on their Categories.

Click here to start exploring projects on ELIX.

Once you make a selection, you’ll see all of the campaigns or products that match the selected criteria. Here’s a demo video showing the Explore menu in action:


Jane and Rosello have been working hard to create compelling, sleek designs for ELIX. As you may have read in our previous updates, they’ve finished designing detail views for campaigns. They’ve further refined these designs to include comments, updates, rewards, and project videos:

Create your first product or campaign in just a few minutes using the online ELIX web portal here. You can also click on the image below to get started:

If you participated in our recent giveaway, we’ve now finalized the list and will be sending out prizes to the winners over the next week!

That’s all for this week! Join ELIX here to browse products and campaigns.

