Introducing Profiles: An Easy Way To Build Your Reputation On ELIX + More

3 min readNov 7, 2018


Welcome to this week’s update! Here’s what we’ve been busy with over the past week.

If you haven’t already, sign up for ELIX.


This week, we added creator profiles. Profiles make it easy to manage information about yourself when using ELIX. Use your profile page to give others more information about your background. Be sure to include any relevant website or social channels to add credibility when you create campaigns or products on ELIX. You can access your Profile by clicking on the Profile tab in the upper right once logged in.

Use the Profiles tool to add credibility to your campaigns and products on ELIX

In addition to adding profiles, we also enabled server side rendering. This will allow search engines to index and crawl our website content more effectively. We’ve also made various UI improvements to the website and squashed a few small bugs.


We often focus on features that have already been shipped, but it’s worth pausing to take a look at the stellar design work by Jane & Rosello. Here are just a few of the latest designs.

Category selection is organized with filters between Campaigns and Products, as well options to choose from a variety of Categories.

These filters are also applicable when searching for keywords using the upper toolbar.

Blog Articles

This week we released several new blog articles. The first article we released is a tutorial on how to create a token airdrop. Check out the excerpt below, and click on the image below to read the full article.

Airdrops accomplish several key goals:

  1. Airdrops build up an initial group of people excited about the product you’re building
  2. Airdrops generate brand awareness, which will drive people to use your product later on
  3. You can spend less on conventional advertising methods (by generating lower cost conversion rates)

Read the full article How To Build A Huge Community With A Crypto Airdrop.

We also released an article detailing options for incorporating ELIX tokens in the ELIX app:

Finally, here’s an article about how to create your own cryptocurrency token in just a few simple steps.

You can check out lots more articles on technology, blockchain and crowdfunding on the ELIX blog here.

Email Updates

It’s time to start leveraging our large list of email subscribers! Over the past week, we’ve created a variety of templates for marketing to our subscribers. We’ve also created templates for actions like verifying emails after signing up. Finally, The design team is in the process of designing email templates for prompting users to complete their profile information. Expect to see lots of updates and emails from all of us at ELIX.

That’s all for this week! We hope you’ve enjoyed this week’s round of ELIX updates. Sign up for ELIX on our web portal and create your first product or campaign in just a few minutes!

