The ELIX App Is Available On The Apple And Google Play Stores 🙌

3 min readAug 9, 2018


It’s official! The ELIX app is live on both the Apple And Google Play Stores! Click on either of the images below to download the App on each store.

The App Store version is here and the Google Play version here. Be sure to write a review of the app!

All of the projects on the app are real projects from creators all around the world. Try using some ELIX to back your favorite creator. We’ll be adding lots of new creators in the near future and making the app even more user friendly and accessible for people to use. At this time we have more submissions than we can add before launch so expect to see lots of new projects in the near future!

Although this is only the first version, it’s jam packed with the following features:

  1. Crowdfunding using Elix or Ether
  2. Support for continuous products using Elix or Ether
  3. Requesting, paying back, and canceling loans using ELIX
  4. Adding and transacting with saved contacts or a one-time address
  5. Wallet and portfolio functionality for tracking Elix and Ether
  6. Chat for interacting with the community
  7. An Activity page for viewing recent in-app activity

There are lots of smaller features, like support for project images or videos, feedback, gas price adjustments, and customer support. Although this is the very first version, we think we’re just scratching at the surface of what we can build.

Be sure to try the app write a review! You can also give other reviews a thumbs up if you agree with them. We welcome your feedback and ideas on the ELIX app! It’s been an intense year’s worth of work, but we’re pleased to present a working product available on app stores all around the world.

Download the App Store version here and the Google Play version here.

We’re as excited as our community to share this product with the world. Be sure to sign up to get the app on our homepage as well as connect via social media on Reddit, Twitter, Discord, and Telegram. We also have Facebook and Instagram pages, and a newsletter you can sign up for at the bottom of our website. To create your own project, sign up to be an Early Creator here. Stay tuned and follow our Medium Blog for exciting updates!




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