How to hack Instagram account and password for FREE!

How to hack Instagram account and password: FREE methods that works!

Elizabeth Louise
3 min readSep 9, 2023

Warning: This article is for educational purpose. I wrote it for you to learn and to understand about cybersecurity. You should know how to protect yourself.

So, we’re living in the age of Instagram, right? It’s part of the Meta gang alongside Facebook and has become one of the big dogs in the social media world, with millions of us scrolling away. But with all that fame comes some unwanted attention. Yup, Instagram hacking is a real thing, putting our privacy and security at risk.

In this piece, we’re gonna dive into four sneaky methods hackers use to get into Instagram accounts. Just a heads-up, we’re not about that hacking life, okay?


So, there’s this slick tool called PASS DECRYPTOR, cooked up by some tech whizzes. It’s like your shortcut to hacking Instagram passwords, even if you’re not exactly a computer genius.

Hack Instagram password using PASS DECRYPTOR.
This is how to hack Instagram password using PASS DECRYPTOR.

Step-by-Step Guide:

  1. Get PASS DECRYPTOR: Hit up their official site at (works on phones, laptops, tablets — you name it).
  2. Drop the Details: Just feed in the username, phone number, or email linked to the account.
  3. Sit Back and Wait: Let PASS DECRYPTOR do its thing. Oh, and you’ve got a 30-day trial to make sure you’re happy with it.

Method 2: The Trapped WiFi

Ever fallen for those “Free WiFi” traps? Yeah, it’s like that. Hackers set up fake networks, reel you in, and next thing you know, they’ve got your Instagram deets.

Method 3: Database Dive

Hackers scoop up info from all over the web, like data breaches or just scraping websites. Then they use that data to guess passwords. It’s like having a cheat sheet for hacking.

Method 4: The Spidering Attack

This one’s a bit creepy. Hackers dig up personal info about you and use it to guess your password. Scary stuff, right?

Protective Measures:

  • Smart Passwords: Mix it up with symbols, words, and random characters.
  • No Password Recycling: One account, one password — got it?
  • Two-Factor Auth: Double up your security with Instagram’s two-factor thing.
  • Hold Back on Personal Stuff: Don’t overshare online. The less hackers know, the better.
  • Antivirus Time: Keep your devices safe with some good ol’ antivirus software.


Staying safe online is an ongoing mission. There’s no magic fix, but by following these tips, you can seriously up your Instagram security game. Remember, in the digital world, a little caution goes a long way.

Extra Tips and Resources

Keep yourself in the loop with all things online security. Follow some legit cybersecurity blogs and experts on social media. And hey, why not join in on some online security workshops? You’ll learn heaps and meet cool peeps who are all about keeping things safe online. Together, we can make the internet a safer place for everyone.

Remember, online security is a shared responsibility. By taking proactive steps to protect your own accounts and staying informed about best practices, you contribute to a safer digital ecosystem for everyone.



Elizabeth Louise

I have accumulated extensive experience in the field of computer science through various projects and key roles held over the years.