Let’s Talk About President Trump

Probably not what you are thinking.

Elizabeth Bolton
3 min readNov 11, 2019

I can’t think of any President in history, or at least in my lifetime, who has been more scrutinized or who has caused more division in the country and in the government.

Some of it he brings on himself through his Twitter account. That alone is something new as no President has been this vocal to the people. His no holds barred attitude and some of the things he has said bring a lot of the criticism.

But it seems that some people hold so much hatred for him that they have to go hunting for something he may have done wrong. This goes for some in our Congress also who seem to be more concerned with digging up dirt than on attending to the business of matters of importance to the country.

Now, before someone gets their feathers in a wrinkle let me say that I am not a fan of the President. I am also not a fan of the biased press, on all sides, who want to spin everything to suit their own agendas and everyone has an agenda.

It just seems that some have become almost obsessed with getting this man removed from office. Of course, you can tell they are not thinking long term or they might realize there is worse waiting in the wings but that’s another post.



Elizabeth Bolton

I am a writer, vet, absolutely a geek, and now an aspiring artist as I learn to draw. I will write just about anything. Sometimes serious, generally satirical