Two month blog hiatus

Until The There Is Back Again
2 min readMay 17, 2019


Posted June 21, 2017 (tumblr)

Originally posted by kateshap2015

Its been two months full of visiting family and friends and eating all my favourite foods (read: poutine). Being away from home for a handful of months really made me realize how beautiful Canada is. I’ve always known, but it was more a knowing through instruction — I’d always been told about Canada’s virtues. But this was the first time in my life that I truly had my own experiences to draw on to make comparisons. Guys, Canada is pretty rad. My first Tim Hortons when I got back was a boarderline religious experience. As soon as the pilot told us that we were preparing to land in Vancouver, I smiled and didn’t stop. It’s almost like there is something in the air, something familiar about the ground under my feet that made the feeling of home run in my body.

But there is still a lot of world out there to see. And starting tomorrow, I’m going to find more of it. Besides, absence makes the heart grow fonder, right?

For the second leg of #lizgoesinternational I’m heading to South Korea. I’m finally living up to the whole teach English abroad plan I set into motion 7ish months ago.

Everything about getting ready for this has been different than my preparation for Thailand. This time someone is meeting me at the airport. This time I have an apartment. This time I have a job. This time I have to pack for multiple seasons. This time I packed books!

I’m not as nervous as I was last time, either. It’s not that traveling is old hat — this is after all a completely different experience. But it’s more that I know I can handle travel and all it entails. My months in Thailand have made me more confident in my abilities to get me from point a to point b all in one piece, my passport still safely in my possession. This time, I don’t see all the things that can go wrong when I close my eyes. Instead, I see all the things I can explore, the food I’m going to try, the people I’ll meet. This is probably the most important thing that my previous travels have taught me.

That, and you can never have enough snacks for long bus trips.



Until The There Is Back Again

Full-time traveler. Part-time blogger. Updates on my travels so my family knows I’m still alive (*waves* HI FAMILY). Currently in: Germany