The evolving nature of goals: From pursuit to fulfillment.

Elizabeth Modupeoluwa
2 min readMay 30, 2024


Photo by Ronnie Overgoor on Unsplash

So, the other day, I was listening to the ISWIS podcast and man, they hit the nail on the head with one of their episodes about the timeline to success.

They dove into the idea of taking it slow, figuring out your career path, and the importance of consistency in reaping rewards.

It’s wild how fulfilling life’s targets can be, right? But then, when you achieve them, it’s like, “What now?” It can get pretty overwhelming and confusing.

On one hand, having plans, both short-term and long-term, seems like a solid approach. But then again, why not just wing it sometimes? I meam Life can be dynamic, after all 🤷‍♀️🏾.

A few years back, I had this mind-blowing realization: it’s possible to have no purpose. It’s one of the craziest things about us humans that I’ve come to understand and respect.

Personally, I like purpose. It gives me that sense of alignment, that drive, you know? But as I’m getting older, I’m also realizing that things won’t always happen when I want them to. Sometimes they do, but most times, they don’t. And you know what? I’m cool with that. No regrets.

I recently stumbled upon this tweet from someone I admire from afar graduating from a top university this year, questioning if the whole journey was worth it. It got me thinking.

Does one strive for a goal and achieve that goal and still feel overwhelmed after they achieve it?

I don’t have the answer to the question.

Just some thoughts that have been buzzing in my mind.

By the way, if you haven’t checked out the ISWIS podcast, I highly recommend it. It’s not only hilarious but also offers some real insights into life’s ups and downs, straight from their perspective.

Give that episode a listen:



Elizabeth Modupeoluwa

Reading and Curating words& Culture one step at a time. Sometimes I write about my life between.