How Do I Clean and Disinfect My Baby Cot?

Elizabeth M. Speers
5 min readSep 27, 2023


Your baby’s well-being and safety depend on you keeping their sleeping area clean and tidy. A baby cot is where children spend significant time, so regular cleaning and disinfection are crucial. In this blog, we’ll walk you through the procedures for thoroughly cleaning and sanitizing your baby’s crib, giving your child a secure and hygienic sleeping environment.

Baby Cot bed

Steps to Clean the Baby Cot

Step 1: Assemble Your Cleaning Items

Whenever you begin, make sure you keep all of the necessary cleaning tools on hand. You will require:

  • Mild soap or baby-safe detergent
  • Warm water
  • Soft cloths or sponges
  • A soft-bristle brush
  • White vinegar
  • Disinfectant solution (e.g., diluted bleach or a baby-safe disinfectant)
  • Rubber gloves
  • Vacuum cleaner with an upholstery attachment (if your crib has fabric components)

Step 2: Disassemble the Crib

If possible, disassemble the baby cot to make cleaning and disinfecting more manageable. Disconnect the mattress, the blankets, and any other removable textiles, such as mobile phones or cushions for cribs. It will enable you to completely clean each corner.

Step 3: Remove Loose Debris

Begin by removing any fine dust, scraps, or dirt from the crib’s areas, especially the mattress, with the aid of a vacuum less polluted equipped with a fabric attachment. Take careful care of the areas and gaps.

Step 4: Clean with Mild Soap and Water

To make a gentle disinfectant, combine a tiny amount of chemical-free soap or baby-safe cleanser with warm water. Wipe down every inch of the crib, particularly the edges, rails, and non-fabric parts, with a washcloth or soft cloth immersed in warm, detergent-based water. If you come over any stubborn stains or dried-on drops, use a toothbrush with soft bristles to gently clear them away.

Step 5: Rinse Thoroughly

After cleaning, rinse the crib with clean water to remove any soap residue. Ensure that you rinse all parts thoroughly, especially the mattress.

Step 6: Disinfect the Cot

To disinfect the baby cot bed, you have a couple of options:

  • Applying White Vinegar: In a spray bottle, combine a mixture of white vinegar and water. Allow the liquid to sit for just a couple of minutes on all cribs on the floors, including the mattress. Then, wipe down the crib with a clean, damp cloth to remove the vinegar solution.
  • Using a Baby-Safe Disinfectant: If you prefer a commercial baby-safe disinfectant, follow the manufacturer’s instructions for application and contact time. Ensure that it is safe for use around babies.

Step 7: Dry Thoroughly

After disinfecting, allow all parts of the crib to air dry completely. Ensure no moisture is left on the mattress or any other components.

Step 8: Reassemble the Crib

Once everything is dry, reassemble the crib or baby cradle, including the mattress and any bedding or fabric components. Make the crib with fresh, clean bedding.

Step 9: Regular Maintenance

Develop a schedule for cleaning and sanitizing the crib to keep your baby’s resting space clean and sanitary. Plan to do this at least once per month or more regularly if your baby has been sick or if there was an accident in the cot.

Reasons for Cleaning the Baby Cot

Cleaning the baby cot is essential for several reasons, all of which contribute to maintaining a safe and healthy sleeping environment for your baby:

1- Hygiene and Health:

Dust and Allergens: Over time, dust, allergens, and debris can accumulate on the crib’s surfaces, including the mattress and rails. Regular cleaning helps remove these particles, reducing your baby’s risk of allergies and respiratory issues.

Avoiding Bacterial Growth: Babies are sensitive to infections, and if their crib is not cleaned on a regular basis, it can become an inviting environment for bacteria. Effective cleaning and disinfection aid in the prevention of the formation of hazardous germs that can make your infant ill.

2- Preventing Mold and Mildew:

Moisture Control: Babies may occasionally spit up or have diaper leaks, leading to moisture in the crib. If not addressed promptly, moisture can lead to mold and mildew, which can harm your baby’s health. Cleaning and proper ventilation help prevent this issue.

3- Stain and Odor Removal:

Spills and Stains: Babies can be messy, and spills, diaper leaks, or food stains can occur in the crib. Regular cleaning helps remove these stains, preventing odors and maintaining the crib’s appearance.

Odor Control: Over time, the baby cot may develop odors from milk, sweat, or other substances. Cleaning and disinfecting the crib can help eliminate these odors, providing a fresh and pleasant sleep environment.

4- Safety and Baby’s Well-being:

Allergen Reduction: Cleaning the crib reduces allergens and potential irritants that could affect your baby’s comfort and sleep quality.

Preventing Contamination: Regular cleaning helps prevent contamination from germs or substances that might pose a safety risk to your baby. For example, cleaning can remove small objects or debris that could be choking hazards.

5- Longevity of the Crib:

Maintenance: Regular cleaning and maintenance can prolong the crib’s life, ensuring that it remains safe and functional for future use, including for subsequent siblings or as a hand-me-down.

6- Mind Relaxation:

Parental Security: Realizing that your kid has gone to sleep in a safe and well-kept crib gives parents peace of mind, alleviating anxieties about potential dangers to their child’s health.

7- Good Habits for Baby’s Future:

Teaching Hygiene: Cleaning the crib set or a baby swing is a good example for your child as they grow older. It instills in them the value of being clean and hygienic.

To summarize, washing the baby cot is critical for keeping your kid’s resting environment clean, safe, and healthy. Cleaning and disinfecting on a regular basis prevents health problems and contributes to your baby’s relaxation and good health.


A well-maintained baby cot is critical for the health and safety of your child. Weekly cleaning and disinfection, as detailed in this article, will help establish a safe and comfortable sleeping environment for your child. To safeguard your infant from dangerous waste products, use baby-safe cleaning products and use extreme caution during the use of chemical-based cleaners.



Elizabeth M. Speers

I, Elizabeth M. Speers, a passionate blogger, and dedicated researcher. Love exploring a wide range of topics and sharing valuable insights through my writing.