Single Stitch Vs. Double Stitch: Which Is Right For You?

Elizabeth M. Speers
4 min readSep 28, 2023


Sewing is an ancient craft that has evolved over the centuries and offers a wide variety of techniques and procedures. Frequently, tailors must choose between single and double stitches. Your decision may have a significant impact on the durability, quality, and appearance of your sewing project.

In this helpful and efficient guide, we will delve deeper into the world of stitching and analyze the differences between single and double stitching in order to help you make the best decision for your sewing needs.

Single Stitch Shirt

Single Stitch

The Fundamentals Single stitches are also known as solitary stitches. It is the most basic and elementary form of sewing. It entails stitching a single line by passing the needle and thread through the fabric once. Here are some important single-stitching considerations for your single-stitch shirt:

1- Efficiency And Simplicity

Single sewing is an excellent beginning technique for novices. It is straightforward and simple to learn because each stitch requires only one pass of the needle through the fabric. This simplicity makes it an ideal choice for quick repairs and fundamental sewing endeavors, such as your shirt’s single stitch.

2- Suitable For Lightweight Textiles

Single threads are ideal for lightweight materials such as cotton, linen, and muslin. Since the threads are less voluminous, they will not drag down delicate fabrics or produce surface ridges.

3- Invisible Stitching

Single stitches can be used to create nearly invisible hems. When executed skillfully, the stitches are barely visible on the right side of the fabric, giving your single-stitch shirt a clean and polished look.

Double Stitch: Adding Strength And Style

Double stitching, however, entails passing the needle and thread through the cloth twice for each stitch, resulting in a more secure and lasting seam. It is also named backstitching or double-needle stitching, and it elevates sewing to a higher degree. What you need to know about double stitching is as follows:

1- Durability And Strength

One of the primary advantages of double stitching is its exceptional strength and durability. The second pass of the needle reinforces the seam, making it less likely to unravel or break. This makes double stitching ideal for heavy fabrics or single-stitch T-shirt that will endure a lot of stress, such as jeans, backpacks, or upholstery.

2- Decorative Purposes

Double stitching isn’t just about strength; it can also be used for decorative purposes. It creates a visible and distinctive design element that can add character to your projects. You’ve likely seen double stitching on denim jeans, leather goods, and some types of upholstery as a stylish and functional detail.

3- Seaming

Double stitching is commonly used for seaming. In double stitching, two pieces of fabric are joined together with a strong and secure seam. This is especially important when creating garments or item like single stitch tee that requires a solid connection between fabric panels.

4- Preventing Fraying

When working with fabrics that have a tendency to unravel, such as certain types of upholstery or outdoor fabrics, double stitching can help prevent fraying along the margins. The additional thread provides an additional layer of protection, reducing the likelihood of frayed edges that could compromise the integrity of your project.

Considerations For Your Project

Now that you have a better understanding of single and double stitching, let’s explore some key considerations to help you decide which is right for your sewing project:

1- Project Type

The nature of your project should be your primary consideration. If you’re working on a simple repair or using lightweight fabric, single stitching may be sufficient. However, if your project involves heavy-duty materials or requires added strength and durability, double stitching is likely the better choice.

2- Skill Level

Consider your sewing skills and experience. Single stitching is generally easier for beginners to master because of its simplicity. Double stitching, on the other hand, requires more precision and practice. If you’re a novice, start with single stitching to build your confidence and skills before tackling double-stitching projects.

3- Machine vs. Hand Stitching

Both single and double stitching can be performed manually and by machine. The choice between the two could depend on your stitching skills, the equipment you have available, and the project specifications. Sewing machines are frequently employed due to their efficiency and uniformity, whereas hand sewing permits greater control and customization.

4- Material Matters

The type of fabric you’re working with plays a significant role in your stitching choice. Always consider the fabric’s weight, texture, and intended use. Lightweight fabrics typically benefit from single stitching, while heavy fabrics demand the extra strength provided by double stitching.

5- Aesthetic Considerations

Don’t forget about the visual aspect of your project. Single stitching can create a clean, subtle look with nearly invisible stitches, making it suitable for garments and projects where aesthetics are essential. In contrast, double stitching can add a bold and distinctive design element, making it a choice for both style and function.


The decision between single and double stitching is far from universal in the sewing industry. Single and double stitching each have supporters and opponents in the sewing world. You have to consider every aspect of your project, your level of expertise, and the characteristics of the materials you will face before making a final decision.

Whether you’re a beginner wanting to repair a favorite single-stitch vintage tees or a seasoned seamstress creating a long-lasting backpack, the appropriate stitching method may make all the difference. So, the next time you sit down at your sewing machine or take up your needle and thread, think about whether single or double stitching is the best option for your single-stitch T-shirt.



Elizabeth M. Speers

I, Elizabeth M. Speers, a passionate blogger, and dedicated researcher. Love exploring a wide range of topics and sharing valuable insights through my writing.