
A feeling or state of intense excitement and happiness

Broken rose diaries🥀
4 min readNov 30, 2023
Photo from gallery

I promised myself that I’d start doing things that make me happy , things that I love , spending time with people that bring me joy and I did . Let me tell y’all ..I love it here .

I had always wanted to be a fitness girlie , but never found the right amount of motivation to just stand and do it . And do you know where I was going wrong ? I would always start telling people that I’m about to start going to the gym or you know jogging , and It never happened , because I would either get laughed at or get discouraged with words like ;

“But is that necessary!!? , You have a great body right where you are “

So I would eventually agree with their opinions and just postpone all of it . But let me tell you from listening to other people’s opinions and going through with them I realised that I lacked self discipline and a little bit of self awareness not sure that It makes sense but yeah . And I knew I needed to fix that real quick so I did. I went ahead and purchased my first ever fitness attire and its one among the best decisions I’ve made this year . The purchase was kinda steep *chaching* 🥲 but It was worth it . So basically this is a sign for you to do it too 😉.

Photo from Pinterest

I’ve always wanted to dance with someone in public ,,,Yepp😅. You know One thing about me is that I’m a BIG romantic , I romanticize almost everything so yes dance to slow music somewhere quiet but It has to be outdoors you know the “his hands around my waist and my hands around his neck “ stuff .

So fast foward I agree to go on a date and we’re talking, Its good and I’m having fun and he asks if I’d like to dance !!🥹🤭🤭 ( Internally screams). In my head I’m like how did you know sir ??? This is in my bucket list like?!. Anyways I’m just glad I crossed this off my bucket list or to do list🤣.

I also promised myself that i’d learn to appreciate and be thankful for the little but no so little things in life , like family . I love my family , my parents and my little sister 🫶🏼. I call my parents every week , my little sister calls me when she needs money , I know , I know but a win is a win . And I feel like through these random phone calls from time to time either to check up on them or just for a chitchat I have established a healthy and good relationship with my family .

I took a ferry to the other side of my city

I once read somewhere that we should learn to get out of our comfort zones . Well I hate crossing to the other side of Dar es salaam using the ferry . Its always a hustle , so much chaos and its always. so hot and stuffy at the waiting area .

But as I said I swore to myself that I’d start to look at things differently, because ;

If you change the way you look at things, the things you look at change” . When you change the way you see the world; when your intentions are positive and powerful; when you search only for the good, then your life transforms into the amazing adventure it was designed to be.

So I got into the ferry with an open heart and It wasn’t that bad afterall . I even got some cute nightime pictures 🌌 .

Who I am today is not who I was a couple of months ago , because trust me life is all about choices . And this here , Is what I choose .

I choose discipline. I choose experience. I choose knowledge. I choose consistency. I choose faith. I choose calm. I choose joy. I choose abundance. I choose self care. I choose time management. I choose tunnel vision. I choose open mindedness. I choose fun. I choose laughs. I choose growth. I choose health. I choose love. I choose harmony. I choose forgiveness.

-XO Liz 🤎



Broken rose diaries🥀

Do not be afraid to re invent yourself as many times as necessary | Elizabeth Arbogast |