Elizabeth Finne
1 min readMar 4, 2019


I found this article very helpful for clarifying my own thinking on this tricky issue. The focus on definitions, objectivity and consistency between propositions is the bread and butter of philosophy.

However, I was left wondering if there is a sense in which this topic of gender identity is somewhat impervious to the traditions of philosophy. We live in a brave new world in which the subjective is regarded, in some ways, as representing a higher sort of truth than any objective propositions we can get broad agreement on. A plethora of subjective truths inevitably conflict though. Where we go with dialogue at that point — what it even means to have dialogue, I don’t know.



Elizabeth Finne

Law (U.K. and U.S.), Philosophy, Politics and Mothering: Articles in @ArcDigi @QuilletteM @AreoMagazine