Boxing Gear: Top 5 Training Tips for Sparring

elizabeth Smith
3 min readJan 13, 2017


Sparring is aimed at improving boxing skills while minimizing the risk of an injury. Boxers are not allowed to use full force during a sparring session as they train as this could damage either fighter and affect their careers. For those newbies who have no idea what sparring is all about, this article is just for you. Here you will find some valuable sparring tips that will get you started.

Go Easy on Your Opponents

№1: In a real fight, fighters don’t hold back because their main objective is to win via destroying their opponent. But when sparring, the main objective is to sharpen the skills of one or both participants minus the destroying of their opponent.

Defend Yourself

№2: This piece of advice is not only synonymous with pro and amateur boxing, it’s an absolute must even when sparring. Do not take your eyes off your opponent, chin tucked and hands up.

Spar Under Supervision

№3: It is very risky to Spar without the supervision of an experienced trainer. So avoid it at all cost.

Use Protective Gear Always

· Gloves: More padding means more weight, this might be good for your own protection but that doesn’t mean it will hurt your sparring partner less. The added padding cushions the blows to protect the puncher’s hand and to some degree the opponent’s chin and head. Additional weight also strengthens boxer’s arms and hands as your hand tend to work more.

· Headgear: Headgear can save your life. This type of head protection is used to protect boxers from bruises and cuts during a sparring session. However, it’s important for you to know that headgear will not keep you from getting knocked out cold and may obstruct vision.

· Groin Guard: A Foul-protector guards against the infamous stray groin shot and offers more protection than a simple ‘cup’ guard (used by football players). But if you are sparring without one, you are at your own risk.

· Mouthpiece: This is considered a mandatory piece of equipment for boxers and martial artists. It is so important that it is used in real competitions. They protect your mouth from getting cut by the teeth as well as help lock down your top and bottom jaws together. Such mouth-guards are essential for evading painful damage to the mouth when a boxer is struck by hands and kicks.

Don’t Be Afraid Of Getting Hit

Learn from your mistakes and focus on correcting them. Also train longer and harder than the guys/girls boxing around you. If you’re training twice per week, start training three or four times every week. Remember, getting hit is part of your learning and be at peace with the fact that you WILL get hit.

Follow these tips and you will immediately start seeing the improvement in your game.

