The pre-job series…Makers Academy and before…

Elizabeth Venner
2 min readSep 17, 2017


So this blog post is a little meta, in that it is a blog post about blog posts.

I’m sure that many people will share the situation that I find myself in right now, which is that I have had plenty of ideas for blog posts over the past year but alas, precious little time to sit down and actually write one (or to be more accurate, precious little time where I could actually be bothered to do so).

Perhaps it’s just Autumn and the start of the school year, etc., etc. but I now feel motivated to get on and write. However, as you undoubtedly know, when you’re learning to code, you have to learn a lot, very fast, especially when undertaking a bootcamp like Makers Academy (more on my initial experiences of this here).

So there are many things I now want to write about which actually seem kind of basic to me now but which I think is worth doing — it never hurts to go back over what you have learned and if it can help someone else, also just starting out on their coding journey, then so much the better!

So I’m creating a ‘series’ of blog posts about things that I struggled with while at Makers Academy and before, mainly because I feel that the sort of issues that I was having then are rather different to those that I have struggled with in a professional environment.

So ladies and gentleman, I present to you:

The Pre-Job Series!

  1. How to exit vim in 5 simple steps OR Help! I was using git to commit some code and now the window has changed and I don’t know what’s going on!
  2. Getting a handle on objects in JavaScript
  3. To be continued…will keep adding posts — check back to see what is new!

