A Strong Hedge Against Severe Coronavirus Infection with One Supplement

Elizabeth Yeats
2 min readFeb 15, 2020


Image of MERS viral particles, by NIAID

I’m writing this blogpost about coronavirus and NAC because I’m not seeing anything online about how NAC can help, and this information should be passed along. Why do some die from the coronavirus and others have mild symptoms? An understanding of this can help one prepare in case of exposure. The coronavirus, along with flu epidemics such as bird flus, can trigger your immune system into a flurry of activity, and research suggests that your own immune response is in part responsible for the severity of symptoms and death.

Coronavirus becomes dangerous when your immune system is triggered into releasing proteins which are various pro-inflammatory cytokines into the lung. These work to fight the virus, yet in so doing, increase mucous, block air pathways, and actually damage the lungs, causing holes. These molecules can also travel through the bloodstream into other areas of the body, causing multiple organ damage. The liver, kidneys, spleen, and GI tract are all impacted, and in some patients, cause organ failure.

The good news is that a nutritional supplement is effective at reducing not only viral replication but also the cytokine storm in severe influenzas. The substance is an amino acid derivative called n-acetyl-cysteine (NAC). NAC works in lung epithelial cells where the storm takes place, and blocks the action of four cytokines, as well as thinning mucous, and boosting your most powerful endogenous antioxidant, glutathione, in your body. Everyone who thinks they’ve been exposed should take NAC. The standard dose is 1200–1800 mg a day in divided doses for chronic conditions. Though in acute cases, 3000–5000 mg a day.

Contact me if you’re interested in my healing work, exploring methylation pathways and prevention of chronic disease with nutritional supplementation. wingedrootshealing.com.



Elizabeth Yeats

I’m a holistic healer that works with plant medicine, vitamins and minerals, homeopathy, light, sound and more. www.wingedrootshealing.com.