Get Prepared for Covid Peaks: Time to Up Your Nutritional Profile in Time for Peaks of Covid19 Cases Coming

Elizabeth Yeats
3 min readApr 1, 2020


Rosehips are a good source of Vitamin C

I have to start with how angry I am that in this country (USA), the mainstream medical community and media barely report on or discuss the benefits of vitamins and minerals for Covid19. We know severe cases and death results from the cytokine storm, the body’s immune response which increases fluid in the lungs and can cause organ failure. The linked article is an example of how the role of nutritional supplements are ignored. And doctors are recommending not to waste money on supplements, while Chinese doctors have found some successful in treating Covid19.

I have worked as a nutritional consultant for over 20 years, and I recommend four supplements to boost your ability to weaken the likelihood of this cytokine storm. While genetic mutations are certainly implicated in why some patients die and others have no symptoms, we know through the advances in methylation that nutrition turns on and off your genes, and dangerous genetic mutations can be turned off with a good nutritional profile.

Ok, here is what I recommend. The cytokine storm refers to pro-inflammatory molecules that build up and overwhelm the lungs and other organs. Vitamin C in the form of ascorbic acid reduced this inflammatory pathway effectively in a flu pandemic and is now part of clinical trials in the US. The success among Chinese patients in Wuhan indicates it should be used now with every patient in the US. Vitamin C in general reduces stays in ICUs. And it is now being used intravenously in some hospitals in the US.

N-acetyl cysteine or NAC is another supplement, a precursor to glutathione, that reduces pro-inflammatory cytokines. Another remedy is zinc lozenges, that work in the throat by inhibiting viral replication. I recommend taking some zinc tablets internally to boost your body’s profile of viral replication blockers.

Vitamin D is a hormone, essential for immune system function and for mood, and hormone balance. I recommend taking some Vitamin D now if your exposure to sunlight has been limited, as sunlight is how your body makes this nutrient.

Dose is important. Don’t over dose on these supplements. I recommend 1–2 grams a day of Vitamin C, if you can tolerate this amount without getting diarrhea. For NAC, I recommend 600–1200 mg a day, and zinc, 15mg a day. Vitamin D is tricky without knowing your level of deficiency, and many are deficient. 5000 ius maybe a place to start a day, if you’ve had little sunlight and haven’t taken the supplement recently. Otherwise, 1000 ius. Minerals and vitamins are in short supply in our food, as soils have been depleted by decades of industrial cultivation methods.

This pandemic can make us feel like we’re powerless, and in many ways, we are in the face of Mother Earth. Nature rules. But improving our nutritional profile can help. Reports from China confirm this, and in the US, the blindness of mainstream media and the medical community to report and recommend supplements is absurd and unjust. Contact me if you would like a remote session to help determine your own nutritional needs. Thank you!



Elizabeth Yeats

I’m a holistic healer that works with plant medicine, vitamins and minerals, homeopathy, light, sound and more.