Recovering From Depression — Slow and Steady

Eliza C. Crane
2 min readDec 30, 2022


If you have depression, you know what it feels like to have a “down day”, where you struggle to complete basic tasks and are overwhelmed with fatigue and feelings of sadness. For some, these feelings could last weeks or months.

In those times, it’s not easy or even possible to complete tasks like normal. It becomes difficult to get out of bed and do basic self care like get dressed, cook a meal, or go to work.

It is important to go easy on yourself when you’re depressed.

You’re doing the best you can.

Sometimes your best looks like just getting out of bed and into a fresh pair of pajamas, checking your email, and eating snacks while you watch a comfort movie. And that’s OK.

Sometimes your best is going to look like cleaning your home, getting your work tasks checked off, and getting dressed and looking your best.

Every day, your best is going to look different, especially when you are dealing with a mental illness.

When you are experiencing a depression day, it is important to take care of your basic needs like staying hydrated and eating. It doesn’t have to be anything special. It’s better to eat something than nothing at all!

It’s also important to recognize when you’re having depression and go easy on yourself.

If you can, cancel your work and social plans and do something relaxing for yourself. You will not be able to do a lot of work on those types of days, but a short journal entry or meditation can help you feel like you did at least something that day.

Even more important than getting yourself through a depression day is the day after.

Once you’ve started to feel better and more like yourself again, it’s important to get back into your routine slowly. Don’t expect too much from yourself.

Start by doing small chores to clean up your space, like washing the dishes or making your bed. It’s also good to get dressed in something comfortable that’s not your usual pajamas or lounge wear. Make yourself a delicious meal and drink lots of water. You probably were not able to give yourself the best nutrition when you were depressed, so focus on listening to what your body needs and also think about what meals are the easiest for you to make while also being nutritious.

And remember, you can start over as many times as you need to. A depression day does not mean you are failing to meet your goals. It means you gave yourself what you needed at that time, a day of rest and reflection.

