Truth About Over The Counter Hemorrhoid Creams

3 min readMay 7, 2024

Hemorrhoids are a very painful medical condition. Topical remedies such as ointments are available. They reduce symptoms like inflammation, pain, etc. Over the counter hemorrhoid creams can provide anti-septic benefits. Other benefits like astringent and emollient can alleviate the patient’s discomfort.

What are OTC ointments?

These remedies do not require the suggestion of a doctor. They are also called non-prescription remedies. Neither do they have severe aftereffects. Remedies like these can cure a wide variety of illnesses. OTC hemorrhoid creams are milder in strength. They contain lower doses of anesthetics.

Although it is generally safe, it is still important to read the information in the back to understand the usage. The dosage and application procedure are also mentioned. Potential side effects of the cream must be assessed. Advice from a healthcare professional must be sought if you need clarification on the cream.

OTC vs prescription ointments

OTC creams do not require a prescription from a professional. But, as the name reveals, a prescription ointment requires a prescription.

OTC creams are milder in strength. Prescription creams are stronger and more effective. They contain higher doses of anesthetics.

Individuals with mild issues can opt for an OTC cream. People with severe pain and discomfort require prescription creams. Your doctor must prescribe the strength of the remedy you need to alleviate your hemorrhoid symptoms.

Application of OTC ointments

The instructions on the back of the product must be read thoroughly and followed to the t. To ensure their effectiveness and avoid complications and side effects, some tips are provided below:

● It is advised to be consistent with your hygiene.

● Thoroughly wash the effected area before applying the cream.

● Use soap to clean your hands, or wear a pair of disposable gloves.

● Take a small sized portion directly from the tube and apply it to the problem area.

● Apply an even layer. Gently massage the ointment until it is fully absorbed into the skin.

● Wash your hands properly after application. This will avoid any potential contamination.

Side effects and preventatives

Some individuals may experience side effects with OTC numbing ointments. It is generally a rare occurrence. Side effects like a burning sensation on the site of application are common if the skin is broken. Other issues include red, irritated skin and discomfort.

These unwanted issues are usually temporary and subside on their own with time. It is advisable not to refrain from using them in the future. In case they persist or worsen, medical attention is needed.

How effective are hemorrhoid creams?

Such creams can reduce the discomfort associated with piles, but no one cream suits all. They can be effective as a short-term solution and provide temporary relief. It is important to seek the guidance of a practicing professional in such cases.

Summing it up

To conclude, Over the counter hemorrhoid creams are easily available and effective in most cases. They are also moderately priced and hence in the budget of most people. By understanding the usage, application, and potential side effects, a patient can make wise decisions based on their individual needs. With the proper guidance and lifestyle changes, a patient can overcome the malaise of hemorrhoids.

