How to build business credit fast

Liz Roberts
2 min readNov 21, 2023


Business credit is based on the financial stability and health of your business. This means that you can build business credit independent of your personal credit score.

How to build business credit fast?

Building business credit fast is possible with diligence and patience.

First, obtain an EIN and register your business with government agencies to start building credit.

Next, to establish and monitor your business credit history, register with the three main credit bureaus: Dun & Bradstreet, Equifax, and Experian. This helps build a balanced credit profile and establishes your identity with creditors.

You should also open a business bank account and apply for a credit card. Establish trade lines with suppliers who report to major credit bureaus.

Finally, be sure to pay all bills on time in order to improve and maintain a good credit score fast.

Why build business credit?

Having a strong credit profile can greatly impact a business’s success in the long term.

Below are some of the common reasons why building business credit is a good idea.

  • Allow businesses to effectively use their resources and take advantage of financial opportunities that may not have been available otherwise.
  • It is crucial in order to achieve the maximum potential of your business.
  • Business credit offers business owners many advantages over personal credit.
  • Makes it easier to apply for business loans, as it is not dependent on the personal credit score of the business owner

Benefits of business credit

  • Separating business and personal expenses helps maintain accurate financial records and protects personal assets in case of business financial trouble
  • Good business credit can save money by getting lower interest rates and better loan terms, especially for small businesses with limited collateral or history.
  • Business credit can also serve as a financial safety net by providing an alternative source of financing in times of need. This can help a business to weather financial setbacks or take advantage of opportunities that arise.
  • Finally, having strong business credit can make it easier to sell a business since potential buyers will want to know that the business has a solid financial foundation.



Liz Roberts

Follow me and I will follow you back ASAP. With over 26 years of experience in credit and finance. I like to write about credit, financing and entrepreneurship.