Effects of Covid19 policy measures on energy consumption in the Netherlands

Elke Klaassen
5 min readJun 2, 2020

To prevent the spread of Covid19, many governments have been taking strict measures such as closing borders, imposing nationwide lockdowns, and setting up quarantine facilities. While these measures may ensure that social distancing is followed seriously, they may have indirect effects on the economy and adverse effects on the well-being of people. An example is the increase in domestic violence, which is studied in more detail in this article. On the other hand, there may be positive side effects as well, such as a decrease in energy consumption.

In this blog the effects of Covid19 policy measures on energy consumption in the Netherlands are illustrated using mobility, air traffic, and electricity consumption data.

Decreasing mobility patterns

In the figure below the Google Covid19 Community Mobility Reports for the Netherlands are illustrated. These reports provide insight into movement trends over time, across different high-level categories of places such as retail and recreation, groceries and pharmacies, parks, transit stations, workplaces, and residential. Additionally, the figure indicates when certain policy measures became active (data from: OXFORD Covid19 Government Response Tracker).

