HackerChip V.1 (part 1 of /n)

El Kentaro
6 min readAug 5, 2017


I have been wanting a small linux terminal that had a keyboard and a screen for some of the remote work I do. Now yes I could use my smart phone as a terminal which I have tried but all of the terminal apps felt like they were missing something. Besides I also wanted something small to fit in my man-purse that did have an actual linux operating system running on it. I had build some linux projects, like the wifi-box-of-doom and other raspberry Pi projects, but they all lacked an easy enough to use keyboard. Yea, I could use an external bluetooth keyboard or something but then I couldn't really pull it out of my bag and do some quick stuff and put it away. So when I stumbled upon the PocketChip by Next Thing, Co. I thought I give it a try.

Now, much of the PocketChip is marketed toward entertainment usage like playing old school games and making music, however I thought I could use this platform to supplement my other hacking field gear. That's were this journey starts.

The PocketChip is cool technology but its nowhere near a full blown linux laptop with all the cool stuff installed. But that's not the goal nor intended use case for the HackerChip. My goals for my HackerChip is to have enough capabilities to do some quick scanning of my surroundings and or minor changes to another attack tool.

If I were to fully red team a target I would still prefer a laptop but , if I'm sitting at a coffee shop reading a book and having a cup of coffee, I might pull out the HackerChip and catch some waves. Or if I wanted to look hipster and not Hacker, then HackerChip would be the tool.

Most of the tools installed on the HackerChip were straight forward installs. But I did find out some insights and since there seems to be enough interest I decided to share some of them.

Warning:The sequence on these changes are not in the order as I build out the HackerChip, I admit I stumbled through them making many mistakes while working on putting together the HackerChip.( I even nuked a whole directory with the not enough coffee and a lazy rm * ) However rather than recreating the whole process including all the mistakes I made, I decided to change the sequence in a more development story timeline.

First setting some some environmental enhancements. (optional)

Step1 : Include the IP address of the HackerChip into the command line.

Since the HackerChip automatically starts as a regular user to find out which IP address its on you have to sudo ifconfig , granted its not a big deal but I wanted to minimize using the keyboard.(the keyboard is allright, its definitely not comfortable to type on , but it does the job) So in the .bashrc file I added :

THEIP=$(/sbin/ifconfig | grep ‘inet addr:’| grep -v ‘’ | cut -d: -f2 | awk ‘{ print $1}’)
PS1=”\[\033[01;32m\]\u@”$THEIP”$\[\033[00m\] “;

This gives me : chip@$

Much simpler.

Next I decided to add some swap space onto an external usb thumbdrive.
I followed this thread.
1. Formatted the usb thumb drive as Linux-swap
2. chip@$ sudo mkswap /dev/sda1
3. chip@$ sudo swapon /dev/sda1


Next we need to add a ssh server to the PockerChip so we can do most of the development off the CHIP and just ssh into the CHIP and sftp files back and forth. Once again pretty simple sudo apt-get install openssh-server


Adding Hacker stuff

So first , lets add everybody's favorite the aircrack-ng suite.
Pretty simple , just sudo apt-get install aircrack-ng .
Now here is the interesting part, for the life of me I could not get any of my external usb wifi cards/dongles to work with it (and I have box full of them). But luckily the PocketChip has 2 interfaces build in. wlan0 and wlan1 . wlan0 is the one that connect to the wifi network the HackerChip is connected to and wlan1 can be put into monitor mode. However putting wlan1 into monitor mode is a bit tricky , you have to bring down wlan0 then switch wlan1 into monitor mode and then run airodump-ng.

sudo ifconfig wlan0 down
sudo iwconfig wlan1 mode monitor
sudo airodump-ng wlan1

save this file as whatever you like, I just called it airmon.sh And now we have airodump-ng running . After you run airodump-ng you will loose connection to the HackerChip if you are connected remotely (well, duh you just brought down wlan0 ) the simplest way to reestablish the wireless connection is to turn off the wifi from the "settings menu" and then turn it back on again.

I picked up an Ubertooth One at DEF CON 25 this year so I decide to use it with the HackerChip. The Ubertooth wiki is a masterpiece of writing when it comes to instructions on how to upgrade the firmware and install the ubertooth software. I basically followed the instructions there.
1. Upgrade Ubertooth One firmware.
2. Install Ubertooth Software.

(you wanna follow the Debian/Ubuntu instructions)

And we now have a spectrum analyzer. (ubertooth-specan-ui)

Now I also owned a Sena UD100 bluetooth dongle. ( I have a box full of network dongles and other goodies) Getting hold of these might be the most difficult part of the HackerChip build. These dongles became very popular after in an episode of Mr.Robot the dongle was used. (Or so I have heard, I only saw the first couple of episodes. Turns out no matter what show, I'm not a TV-show kinda guy) Theoretically any bluetooth adaptor should work.

Then head over to Pwnie Express's BlueHydra GitHub and follow the instructions.

Now , 2 things.

  1. DO NOT use the Ubertooth One without the antenna. There you have been warned.
  2. You cannot only use the Ubertooth One alone to capture bluetooth devices. You will need a bluetooth adaptor and the Ubertooth One together. (or just the bluetooth adaptor ) This is why you also want to pick up or use a USB hub with the Hackerchip since the PocketChip only has 1 usb port.
  3. you might wanna add the command to the sudoers file:
    chip ALL = (root) NOPASSWD: /home/chip/blue_hydra/bin/blue_hydra

This that did not work as well I as I hoped:

  1. Kismet.
    it will work to a degree but I couldn't get it to a point where it was useful. Probably going to redo this from source and not package.
  2. FruityWifi
    It seems the PocketChip as an architecture is just too weak to fully utilize the capabilities of FruitWifi

Next Episode: Customize the PocketChip to make it a true HackerChip

