ParentsNext Senate Inquiry Fact Sheet

Ella Buckland
3 min readDec 14, 2018


Senate Inquiry into ParentsNext

What does it mean?

It allows us to tell the government our views and experiences about ParentsNext. Including letters from DHS-centrelink, DHS- centrelink appointments, appointments and services with the ParentsNext providers. You can talk about any matter such as activities, reporting, exemptions, suspension, incorrect or confusing information. It`s your call as the terms of reference are broad.

How to write a submission?

Below are guiding points but there are no exact rules. Be clear and concise. It doesn’t need to be long, and this is emphasised on the Parliamentary website.

Your voice: Remember you are the expert in your life.

1. Introduce yourself (why you are making a submission) eg: I have been going to ParentsNext for eight months. You may or may not want to give the location.

2. Identify the key points/problem. What do you want the committee to know? It may include one part of the ParentsNext or you may want to talk about a few elements.

3. How this has affected you and or your child.

4. What would you like to see changed, what are your recommendations?

The process

Your submission, which looks like a letter, can be posted, submitted online or email (this is the option that I use).

Your submission will be given to the committee members to read. The committee will decide whether to accept your submission and whether to publish it on the parliament committee website. Your submission is not automatically accepted and published. It may take several weeks to consider and process your submission.

Confidential Submissions

If you do not want your name published on the internet, or if you want your submission to be kept confidential, you need to include the word confidential.

· Page 1. Your name and contact details.

· Page 2. State the word Confidential and give a reason why you want to confidential eg you don’t want DHS or the provider to know. You’re worried about suspension, it personal and private ect.

· Page 3. Your submission (letter style)

The Address

Committee Secretary, Standing Committee on Community Affairs, Department of the Senate, PO Box 6100, Parliament House, CANBERRA ACT 2600, AUSTRALIA

Name of the inquiry: Inquiry into ParentsNext, including its trial and subsequent broader rollout

Key dates:

· Submissions to close Feb 1st, 2019. You need to contact the committee Secretary if you want an extension —

· Hearings possibly early March but it’s up to the committee to set the time

· Report date of the inquiry is set for 31st March 2018

What if you have something to say but don’t want to do a submission?

Contact an organisation that will be saying the same things as you and ask for your statement, which can be one line, a paragraph or longer, to be included in their submission.

The National Council of Single Mothers and their Children Inc always includes the voice of single mothers. or PM

Coming soon:

ParentsNext Survey: NCSMC along with a couple of others, are doing a survey for participants of ParentsNext. The survey will be confidential and voluntary and it’s another way of getting information to the government. Volume and numbers of voices help persuade the committee and it gets the attention of the media.

Facts, information and tip sheets: NCSMC is just waiting on a couple of points of clarification from the Department and will soon share.

Other ParentNext Information



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