
Brainstorming With Dedicated Furr Help

Ella de Jong
2 min readMay 25, 2023

A cat’s mind and a laptop are all you need.

Hey, Simba! I’ didn’t expect to see you here at my favorite writing place. You’re jawning too? Yep, it’s early.

I’ll make myself comfortable on the other side of the couch. I see you’re ready to brainstorm and share your thoughts with me. I’m ready to write. Check.

I’m listening … I know what you are thinking.


‘Uhmmm, inspiration … uhmmm. Let me think …

Let me think some more …

This pose makes my brains storm best.

Yes, I know now what you could write about, Ella

So, now I’m tired. I’ve given you all my best.

I’m going to clear my cat head outside.

It’s up to you to write about it and share it with the world.

Good luck’

THANK YOU, dear Simba! Because of your dedicated help, I’ve written my story about achieving your goal while using your senses. It’s great to have you next to me on the couch ❤

Bye, smile, Ella

PS All photo’s are taken by the author, Ella de Jong

Another story written with Simba’s help:



Ella de Jong

Simple, passionate words about soft skills. Be uplifting at home, work, and school ✤ author - teacher - trainer - coach and Dutch mom💚