Writing Your Happiness Notebook, Does That Work?

Ella de Jong
2 min readMay 26, 2015
What makes you smile? Take notes! Photo by Emmanuel Phaeton on Unsplash

Suddenly there is this marvelous idea in my head: tomorrow I’ll start with a happiness notebook!

As a teacher of 11 and 12 years old kids who are nervous about going to secondary school, who have all kinds of hormones flying around in their bodies, who are trying to find out how to cope with challenges at home, and who seem to be very cool but anxiety is always there, I wanted to give them a helpful tool.

A tool that is unique for them, to use in situations they choose. A tool that makes them smile and in the moment of a (starting) smile, there is this chance to ‘turn around’, get your hope back and look at things differently, despite everything.

I’m getting all excited and happy creating this idea in my mind! At least once a week we are going to work on two pages in our Happiness Notebook. One page for writing and one for drawing. So, at the end of the year, they will have at least 15 ideas about how to feel (a little bit) happy. Next year I’ll start right away in September :-)

  • By doing this we make it concrete so that we can consult it when we are not feeling happy at all.
  • By doing this we practice



Ella de Jong

Simple, passionate words about soft skills. Be uplifting at home, work, and school ✤ author - teacher - trainer - coach and Dutch mom💚 www.elladejong.com/en