Why “You Have to Love Yourself First” is True

Four critical relationship issues that stem from not loving yourself

Ella Moore
6 min readFeb 17, 2020
Photo by Kristina Litvjak on Unsplash

All throughout high school, my mom repeatedly told me “no guy would love me until I learned to love myself.” Everyone has heard this before. I honestly believe my mom was only saying this to make her daughter-who-hadn’t-hit-puberty-yet feel better and be more confident, but she said it nonetheless.

Then I forgot about it.

Going into college was like a dream. Guys thought I was attractive. I was getting 100, 200, 300, 400, or more matches on Tinder. Every party I went to a guy would hit on me, and some night while hopping from party to party I would meet more than one guy who was interested in me. This had never happened to me before. However, we would go on a date or two, and then it would fizzle out.

Except this one guy.

He was an international student, and holy shit he was by far the most attractive guy I had ever seen in my entire life. I grew up crushing on Sky from Mamma Mia, and this guy looked exactly like him. I was immediately smitten and was expecting us to sing “lay all your love on me” while rolling around on a beach and then live happily ever after.



Ella Moore

Ella Moore is a romance writer who is obsessed with why humans human. She loves love and aspires to help everyone love both others and themselves better.