How Rowan Atkinson Keeps His Rolls Royce Phantom In Top Condition?

Ella Johnson
5 min readDec 6, 2017


Rich and talented celebrities like Rowan Atkinson can afford all sorts of fast and luxury models of cars. Rowan Atkinson is one of the finest actors in the UK and is the most noted petrol heads. He has got a sizeable garage for cars that include a Rolls Royce Phantom, a pre-war BMW, a sporty Honda NSX, a Jaguar Mk7 and an Aston Martin DB2. There is no doubt that he is a reputable celebrity and stays busy most of the time. So how do such celebrities manage to keep their car in top condition and retain the value of car?

Well, the answer is simple- every person who owns a car loves to keep his car maintained. Just because Rowan Atkinson is a celebrity that doesn’t mean he has some special powers to keep his car in top condition. Though celebrities don’t look after their car themselves, they always have someone to take care of it.

But, you can also keep your car in top condition if you give proper attention to it on time. It’s like how we take care of ourselves; the same concept applies to keep our cars in the best possible condition.

Below we have mentioned some points recommended by experienced manufactures that look after celebrities’ cars, which show how you can keep your car in top condition.

· First Service Is Crucial: If you own a car, maintaining it becomes your responsibility. Manufacturers recommend that the first service is crucial for its performance. Every car has a prescribed service schedule; most often the first service is set at 1,000km.

During the first service of a car, mechanics re-tune the engine which also lifts all restrictions. You can easily notice a marked improvement in the way your car performs after the first service. So make sure that you never skip the prescribed service schedule. Modern and classic cars like Rolls Royce, BMW and Bentley have a service light indicator that tells you if the car is due for its service.

· Oil In the Car: No matter what type of car you own or drive, it is important to keep an eye on the engine oil level, especially during first few service intervals. Oil is the blood of a car and without it the car isn’t going to go far or quietly. Ask your mechanic to demonstrate how to check car oil properly and have the oil changed every 3,000–3,500 miles.

Generally, it is best to use the same oil for no more than 5,000 miles to maximise the engine’s reliability and efficiency over the long term. If you find any leakage in the engine or the oil level is really low, then make sure that you top it up first and then take the car to the nearest service centre as soon as possible. With oil maintenance, it is also necessary to clean the air filter every 5,000km to remove dust particles that might accumulate over the course of time.

· Check The Tyres: The most important component of a car is its tyres, as they are the sole element that is in contact with the road. People often overlook their car’s tyres and think that it is perfectly fine. But what they don’t realise is that there can be numerous tiny cracks in the wheel which are hidden in the plain sight.

You should take your car to a professional garage and inspect it on the vehicle lift to ensure that there are no issues with the tyres. Also, you should make sure that the tyre pressure is ideally set according to the manufacturer’s recommendation or it can lead to inconsistent handling and lower fuel efficiency. You never know when an accident can take place, so you should always try to minimise the risk of any problems that your car may present. It’s better to be safe than sorry.

· Keep The Car Body Intact: Keeping your car clean and undamaged is always a task in itself. With the performance of the car, the cosmetic appearance of your car is also important. Simple things such as keeping your car clean, regularly waxed and ensuring dents and dings should be taken care of. You should never wipe your car with a dry cloth as it leaves behind swirl marks. Always use sufficient amount of water to wipe off the dust or use a wet micro-fibre cloth. Some people even opt for paint protection films or motorsport vehicle wraps, which are specifically designed for classic cars that most celebrities own, to protect their car exterior from damage.

· Ensure Windows Functionality: To keep your car in top condition, it is crucial to inspect whether the car elements, such as windows, mirrors and lights are clean and not broken. If you find any cracks in the windows or headlights, either repair it or replace it on time.

Keeping your car in top-condition like celebrities do is not a magical thing. You just have to look after your car carefully and give proper attention to it from time-to-time. Consider the tips mentioned above and you can also keep your classic car in top condition just the way Rowan Atkinson does!


When we see a celebrity like Rowan Atkinson with their luxury cars, we often wonder “how they keep their classic cars in top-condition”. To be honest there is no secret behind it; it’s just that we don’t care for our car as much as they do. In this article, we have mentioned some basic things recommended by best manufactures to help you keep your car in top-condition.

