Couple who fell in love on an extramarital dating site are getting married

4 min readNov 6, 2019


Office romances aren’t unusual, in fact, according to recruitment website Monster, 44% of us have been involved with a colleague at some point during our careers.

But is it ethical and should you avoid doing it? Experts from say that it depends on the specifics of the scenario.


Photo: Getty Images

After a breakup, all most people can think about is getting back together again. This is why “get ex back” is such a popular search trend on Google, and there are so many sites dedicated to rekindling romances.

A tweet was circulating on meme pages recently that said “if you’re not dating to marry, you’re dating to break up. Let that sink in.” And it’s usually true. Most couples do break up before they meet the person they will end up with. It’s just simple logic.

People usually get together for love, not money but for many, the decision is not purely an emotional one.

Most people aren’t strangers to the fact that, as Madonna said in 1984, it’s a material world and sharing money can be risky.

How long can couples date before heading into ‘at risk territory’, where if they become an ex, they can take half?

“Polyamory is a relationship that includes emotional attachment and love, and a commitment to each one of my partners,” Jari, who is also polyamorous, told In the Know. “No relationship can be assumed about the structure and what it’s going to look like.”

“There are a lot of additional people in my life that I can call on. And it’s very freeing and liberating to know that just because there are other people, that does not mean the validity of my relationship is not still there.”

For some polyamorous relationships, the presence of other partners can actually add to that validation — not take subtract from it.

A COUPLE who fell in love on an extra-marital dating site while cheating on their partners have told how they plan to marry next year and WON’T be unfaithful second time round.

In the study, sex psychologist Dr Justin Lehmiller surveyed 200 heterosexual women in relationships about their relationships, including the age of their partner, and how satisfied they were.

The results revealed that women who were more than 10 years older than their partner were the most satisfied with, and committed to, their relationships than both women who were younger than their partners, and women whose partners were close in age.

Having a threesome is a popular sexual fantasy for most people. But having one isn’t as simple as it sounds, especially if you’re married and doing it with your partner.

“A lot of people may find it hard to believe but neither of us had ever fantasised about having a threesome. We’d been together since college, and even after a decade of our marriage, we were totally in love. Yet, I can’t deny that we weren’t particularly happy. Why’s that? I guess, after so many years of being with each other, a certain kind of boredom had seeped in. Sex had definitely become mundane, and a tad bit unexciting, and that had started to have a far bigger impact on our marriage than either of us would’ve envisaged.”

“As an immediate measure to fix things, we went for couple’s therapy. And after many sessions of talking it out together, and individually, with our therapist, we arrived at the conclusion that our sex life needed an immediate reboot.”

A bisexual, polyamorous couple who encourage each other to have relationships with both sexes said their unusual arrangement gives them the “best of both worlds.”

If you’re single, you can set up an account stating your preferences and curiosities, as you might with any other service. The app lists 20 possibilities for sexuality alone, including heteroflexible (straight-ish) and homoflexible (gay, for the most part).

But couples and partners can sign up, too, in service of finding a third — or a fourth.

Almost certainly, the most exciting thing that ever happened to me occurred one evening last January in freezing weather when I — in a hideous outfit of ankle-length Puffa and beanie pulled down to eyebrow level — was stomping along the South Bank in London. By Blackfriars Bridge a tall, dark, thirtysomething man, not unattractive, ran up to me, gasping, “Excuse me,” in a foreign accent, “are you Swedish?”

Whether you’ve always had threesomes on your bucket list or you never really considered it until your partner brought it up, one thing is for sure: Please don’t do it because you feel like you “owe” your partner one after you cheat on them, or something.

A woman who was married when she met her now-husband on an extra-marital affair site has revealed she has ‘no regrets’ — despite not speaking to some family members for over 10 years as a result.

