Martian Assignment Round Two

Ellie Vonderhaar
2 min readOct 12, 2016


How do I pick out what I wear in the morning? Okay, so it is 60 degrees outside I wear jean, but what jeans? Why are my favorite jeans my favorite? How come I choose a shirt with my jeans and then change my jeans again? Why do I have so many jeans? Why do I have so many shirts?

Today I had the pleasure of meeting someone new. I learned many interesting attributes about my neighboring desk mate, Bridget, but her last name was not one of them. She explained to me what her image of a perfect day is, how she feels about small bugs, and how brand names do not interest her one bit. At some point in this twenty minutes the assignment changed into an experience, and I was able to discover traits about myself and look into why I make the decisions I make.

Bridget is motivated by her future. She wants to live a happy life, so she is working on creating a future she is content with. As she said that, something clicked in Bridget’s mind, and she clarified that she is enjoying the present, but preparing for the future. It made me realize how in college it is all about what is next, and not what is now. I am currently planning where I am living next year. So much can change in a year. How could I possibly know what I want then, now?

One of the more martian-based questions was “Who is your ruler?”. Bridget hesitated. She eventually answered in such a sweet way saying: “I make my own decisions, but sometimes I need my mom”. Don’t we all?

