🤔🤔🤔 Blockchain Enthusiast. Crypto Enthusiast. Blockchain Expert. Who are these people!?

2 min readMar 10, 2018


I’ve seen an increasing stigma surrounding what is placed within the Headline of someone’s profile on various platforms.

As far as I’m aware we have the capacity and freedom to label ourselves whatever we wish.

The growing narrative around the blockchain and crypto sphere is becoming inherently negative towards newcomers.

The discussion should not be from the lens of “who are these people”. It should be “how can we embrace these people to expand our mutual knowledge and understanding”.

Having crypto and/or blockchain enthusiast within the headline allows those within the space, who may not be in the position to dedicate a majority of their time to the cause, yet have an interest and enthusiasm for the possibilities the tech has to offer, to highlight this and connect with other like-minded individuals and entities.

Let’s not forget, we are at a precipitous moment of interest within this nascent space. There are no experts. Everyone is learning, often by the minute. Yet, we still see a proliferation of self-titled “experts”.

This has become ever more evident as I attend various conferences and events. “Experts” often are no further forward than those at an intermediate level. This is clear when intellectual questions are posed and the response is a watered down generic retort.

It’s time to cut the crap.

A fresh take on deep level engagement and knowledge sharing within blockchain and crypto-assets is required. One where collaboration is at its core, egos are set aside and true value is extracted from our time.

It’s something I am passionate about and I am working on at present. Stay tuned.





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