7 Powerful Morning Routines of Mentally Tough People

Elle Kaplan
3 min readApr 29, 2022


Life as a busy entrepreneur is a bumpy roller-coaster ride, to say the very least.

It all starts with waking up mentally tough. Skills can only take you so far without the grit, determination, and mental will power to tackle anything life throws at you.

Start adopting these powerful habits in the morning to become just as mentally resilient:

1. They practice positive self-talk

U.S. Navy SEALs swear by positive self-talk as a way to take on a strenuous day. When their oxygen flow is suddenly cut off underwater, SEALs are able to tough it out by telling themselves that everything is fine and thinking positively.

To start, tell yourself how great your day is going. If you start encountering a rough morning, go outside for a few minutes and repeat some more positive affirmations to yourself.

2. They visualize tackling tasks

Just like the Champion U.S. Olympians, rather than just picturing themselves at the finish line, they visualize themselves going through the motions of the race. It’s a scientifically proven way to boost your mental willpower .

By visualizing how you’ll get through a task in the morning, you’ll not only give yourself the self-confidence to do it, you’ll also come up with unexpected solutions along the way.

3. They work on their hardest tasks first

Mentally tough entrepreneurs understand the discipline of working on their biggest or most undesirable task at the start of the workday. It’s been scientifically shown that motivation and willpower is a finite resource that dwindles throughout the day, everything that comes after that will be easier.

Pro tip: When you check your emails in the morning, answer high-priority messages first, then save low-priority emails for later in the day.

4. They don’t give up their power

TED Talk star and motivation expert Amy Morin recommends a powerful alternative: knowing “your world is what you make it,” and becoming mentally strong.

Rather than believing you have to get up early and head to a stressful job, start thinking about it as an opportunity to change your success and have an impact on the world. By believing you’re in control, you’ll start to be in control.

5. They avoid comparisons (and Twitter)

If your morning routine involves checking on Social media accounts, you’re starting off on the wrong foot. Seeing your “perfect” friends and their highlight reels, which is not his or her life story, will do nothing but make you feel inferior if you feel the need to keep up.

As Amy Morin says, “The only person you should compare yourself to is the person that you were yesterday.” Focusing on your own self-improvement is an excellent way to start the day off strong.

6. They exercise and prioritize their health

It’s been scientifically proven that being physically strong is an integral part of being mentally strong. Ultra-successful people channel their energy into exercise before they go to work in the morning.

As a busy entrepreneur, life can get crazy, but putting a little extra time into having a good meal and taking care of your body is an investment that will pay off tenfold.

7. They connect with loved ones before work

Being an effective executive doesn’t mean sacrificing everything for your job. Even the busiest people in the world know that a part of staying mentally strong means cultivating a meaningful life for yourself outside of work.

Connecting with someone, such as family or friends, is important to start your day. It helps maintain healthy relationships, and it can also give your day perspective, while keeping your spirits up while you work.

Do you have any tips for staying mentally strong? Give me a shout-out on Facebook or Twitter! Should you need help in the aspect of financial growth, please visit my company’s website, LexION Capital.

Elle Kaplan is the founder and CEO of LexION Capital, a fiduciary wealth management firm in New York City serving everyone who feels left out by traditional “Wall Street”, including women and the families they love (vs high net worth individuals).



Elle Kaplan

CEO/Founder of LexION Capital & CIO of Elle Capital. Self-Made Entrepreneur, Financial Expert & Dreamer. Visit ElleKaplan.com to learn more.