What Do You Want??

Elle Kaplan
3 min readMay 22, 2020


Photo by Guille Álvarez on Unsplash

This is a piece from our archives. As we forge ahead with life alongside the challenges of Covid-19 our lives are being reshaped. Now is an ideal time to consider what you want from life and begin to make it happen.

“Knowing yourself is the beginning of all wisdom.” — Aristotle

One of the hardest questions to answer is also one of the simplest and most profound — What do you want? Whether it’s your personal or professional life, a short-term or long-term situation, it’s not an easy question to fully answer. Your desires can seem to change every year, every week, every day and sometimes multiple times a day. Stop and think for a moment. What do you want right now? Will it be different from what you want tomorrow?

The first question sparks others. What are you prioritizing? Are you assessing yourself based on past actions or anticipated steps? Don’t let your past and previous experiences hold you back from new things.

Ignore practicality for a bit; what do you want to do and achieve? As a child, these thoughts were much more common to you. Adults would ask, “What do you want to do when you grow up?” Perhaps you remember your answer. Why do you think it was so much easier to envision your answer when you were younger?

You were less afraid of hurdles and you certainly shouldn’t let them stop you now.

Use that part of your mind to think of the big picture; try to let go of the mundane, insignificant details of the day-to-day. Worry less about loud neighbors, poor WiFi connections and untidy living spaces. Focus on your personal dreams are and how to make them a reality.

As you grow older, face more challenges, attend school and enter the workforce it’s easy to lose sight of your dreams. Some live their whole lives doing what is expected of them; never discovering what they truly wanted. There is always time to wake up from the trance of your routine and turn off the cruise control on your life.

“The only journey is the journey within.” — Rainer Maria Rilke

Be selfish. What makes you happy? Do you have a hobby or a passion? What are your next steps moving forward? On the other side of the coin, what makes you unhappy? What’s holding you back?

It can take time to discover what is true for you. If you don’t have the answers now, revisit the questions over the coming weeks. If you struggle to find the right answer, don’t be afraid of experimenting — you might fall in love with what you find. Every attempt to get to know yourself is essential progress on the road to your happiness and fulfillment.

“Not until we are lost do we begin to understand ourselves.” — Henry David Thoreau

Unearth more of what is in store for you; unlock the skills, talents, and traits within yourself. Stay positive on your journey to becoming a happier you. Our recent experiences will teach us more about ourselves and ultimately guide us to discovering what we want out of life.

Call To Action

Do you think my tips were helpful in re-directing your focus and goals? Please share the article and shout out to me on Twitter!

You can also check out my firm, LexION Capital, for more tips on how to grow your wealth and become financially secure.

Elle Kaplan is the founder and CEO of LexION Capital, a fiduciary wealth management firm in New York City, serving high-net-worth individuals. She is also the chief investment officer and founder of LexION Alpha.



Elle Kaplan

CEO/Founder of LexION Capital & CIO of Elle Capital. Self-Made Entrepreneur, Financial Expert & Dreamer. Visit ElleKaplan.com to learn more.