5 min readMar 27, 2023

Lab Report –Yeast heat shock


Yeast requires similar to other living things, control over gene expression. Organisms must control the expression of their genes in response to different stimuli. Prokaryotic and eukaryotic cells react by turning down the majority of their genes and generating a few. proteins that are thought to protect them from damage. These proteins are heat shock proteins. These proteins’ regulatory promoters ought to activate their transcription in response to increased heat. A gene that codes for the protein B-galactosidase was fused to the promoter of a heat shock gene. The enzyme converts Bgalactose carbohydrates into its mono-saccharides, such as lactose into glucose and galactose (Santoro et al., 2021). It is typically found in prokaryotes. O-nitrophenyl-B-galactosidase replaces lactose as a substrate, resulting in the production of galactose and o-nitropheno, a substance that becomes yellow at high pH. As a result, the Galactosidase genes will produce a quantifiable end product.

A gene of this type that is coupled to a promoter whose activation we would like to track is referred to as a reporter gene. We are examining a promoter in this laboratory. The yeast strain W303, which contains a plasmid, will be used. The produced gene, which contains the coding sequence for -galactosidase and a hsp26 promoter, is also present on this vector. The plasmid’s name is pUKC414 (Chowdhary et al., 2019). The plasmid is present in each cell as a single copy. The investigation could theoretically be carried out using the altered genes in the yeasts, but manipulating it on a vector is easier. The non-recombinant hsp26 gene remains intact on the normal chromosome.

By changing the expression patterns of particular genes that are reliant on the stress, cells respond to a variety of external stimuli. In yeast, the response has been well investigated at the genetic level for various stresses. The majority of genetic analyses on stressors employ the measurement of mRNA amounts. Nonetheless, RA depends on the equilibrium between each gene’s mRNA’s transcription rate and mutation rate. We showed that transient differences in the various mRNAs’ absorption coefficients are equally as significant as transcriptional changes in the dynamic environment that results from temperature shocks in yeast cells. In order to start a sequence of HS reactions, a stimulated heat shock transcription factor interacts with evolutionarily conserved regulatory regions located inside HS gene promoters. genes are altered by heat shock and other stresses in eukaryotic organisms (Perdomo et al., 2020). Many Diptera species, especially Drosophila melanogaster, exhibit substantial differences in chromatin architecture in their larvae salivary gland genomes as a result of rapid stimulation of HSP genes. These variations appear as gigantic puffs.


- Approximately 20ml of yeast that has been grown at 30°C has been distributed in 3.5ml aliquots to the five supplied tubes.

- The water bath was maintained at 30°C, 37°C, 39°C, 42°C, and 45°C for the tubes.

- 1.5ml of each Eppendorf tube was transferred and utilized to conduct the subsequent experiment after 20 minutes.

  • After 45 minutes, 1.5 mL of each was placed into Eppendorf tubes and used for the subsequent experiment.

Results of the experiment.


The graph demonstrates that genes are highly expressed at high temperatures. The absorbance is higher and the graph displays a high peak at 37 °C. When we consider the timeframe, 45 minutes displays the maximum degree of absorption. At the ideal human body temperature of 37, the increased expression level is predicted to last for 45 minutes. At the greatest temperature, galactosidase activity is increased at °C . For a cell to quickly adjust to unanticipated temperature rises, heat sensing mechanisms that combine contextual inputs to trigger appropriate reaction pathways are essential. Several thermoregulation mechanisms in organisms have so far been identified. Each of these groups can serve as a thermosensor, identifying changes in the surrounding temperature and launching the proper actions. Heat-sensing methods might be direct, in which the temperature has no effect on the detecting biomolecule’s operation, or indirect, in which Consequences of a sudden temperature increase are seen, such as the accumulation of improperly folded proteins in cells (Mühlhofer et al., 2019). Although heat is a common signal that affects a wide range of Yeast-Lab report 8 cellular mechanisms, this report focuses on the sensing mechanisms that cause the expression of genes in response to heat shock, with only a few examples of thermosensors involved in the regulation of related genes being discussed.

Positive transcriptional regulation of heat-shock receptors requires the use of a specific transcription factor, a member of the polymerases that confers promoter binding affinity to the transcription machinery. This transcriptional regulatory method, which reroutes the enzyme to a variety of heat-shock gene promoters and reprograms cell transcription, takes advantage of the alternative factors’ potential to outperform the housekeeping component typically associated with RNA polymerase (Mühlhofer et al., 2019). As a method for this kind of regulation, the model species approach has gained popularity. It is widely recognized among organisms that thermal stress can be used to spontaneously increase the transcription of heat-shock transcripts. The highest levels of B-galactosidase activity occur at high temperatures.


Chowdhary, S., Kainth, A. S., Pincus, D., & Gross, D. S. (2019). Heat shock factor 1 drives intergenic association of its target gene loci upon heat shock. Cell reports, 26(1), 18–28.

Mühlhofer, M., Berchtold, E., Stratil, C. G., Csaba, G., Kunold, E., Bach, N. C., … & Buchner, J. (2019). The heat shock response in yeast maintains protein homeostasis by chaperoning and replenishing proteins. Cell reports, 29(13), 4593–4607.

Perdomo, M. C., Marsola, R. S., Favoreto, M. G., Adesogan, A., Staples, C. R., & Santos, J. E. P. (2020). Effects of feeding live yeast at 2 dosages on performance and feeding behavior of dairy cows under heat stress. Journal of dairy science, 103(1), 325–339.

Santoro, E. P., Borges, R. M., Espinoza, J. L., Freire, M., Messias, C. S., Villela, H. D., … & Peixoto, R. S. (2021). Coral microbiome manipulation elicits metabolic and genetic restructuring to mitigate heat stress and evade mortality. Science Advances, 7(33), eabg3088.