Tips for new essay writers

Ellen charles
2 min readJun 12, 2017


Writing jobs are interesting and is being done by millions of people all around the world. Writing jobs are further divided into academic writing, blogging, article writing, essay writing, dissertation writing and so on.

This article will highlight on essay writing and essay writers who are new in this field. Some of the very important essay writing related tips will be shared here for the beginners to learn things and to let them know what should they do and how. Many young best essay writers make several mistakes because of which they have to face some issues, so here are some tips for new essay writers:

· Choose the topic carefully: selection of topics is very important. You must be very carefully when you are choosing a topic for writing an essay. Essay has to be interesting and unique so that the readers can enjoy reading it. Never go for an unusual and difficult topic, always choose a topic that you are personally interested in so that you can enjoy writing it. An unwanted and forceful topic will result in losing interest.

· Take task according to your schedule: when you are taking writing task any writing task you must check your schedule and take tasks accordingly. If studies are your priority and you are working as a part time essay writer which most of the essay writers UK do then you should take tasks according to your education schedule so that you can complete the task. Just don’t overburden yourself with work.

· Don’t expect to be rich within a month: essay writing or any other job is not a magic. You cannot be rich within a month or two. You need to work hard and be calm. Essay writers do make good amount of money but cannot be a millionaire. As a starter you might not earn a good amount but initially your goal should be learning and not earning because learning and experience helps in getting a better professional future.

· Take expert’s help and opinion: in the starting you will have to take some help from some experts or seniors working in the similar field. If you have any friend or family member working as an essay writer so you must take his/her opinion and help in order to learn things in a better way and in less time, also your work outcome will be comparatively better.

· Make sure you meet the deadlines: in any work the most important thing is to have a good relationship with your client and that can be done by efficiency and devotion towards your work and client. Timelines must be met no matter what. Delivering work on time is the most important thing as missing the deadline will leave a bad impression on your client. If there is any genuine reason then write an official email and inform your client so that they don’t have to face difficulties at the eleventh hour and this way they will manage things accordingly. Missing the deadlines is the worst thing a writer can do.



Ellen charles

Eddie is a social media marketer and a content strategist at Assignment Help.