Honkai Impact 3 Hack Apk 2.3.0 🔶 The fastest way to farm Valkyries to SSS rank!

Ellen Johnston
7 min readJan 20, 2020


Honkai Impact 3 Hack Apk 2.3.0 🔶 is an anime RPG that focuses on battling and improving heroes. Players control a collection of Valkyries–attractive young warrior girls–who fight the world’s destructive Honkai evil. The story goes through a series of missions as players use special knowledge and improvements to fight zombies and mechanical monsters called Stigma. Half of the gameplay is about combat; the other half is about heroes and weapons upgrading. Besides the main story campaign, players can join guilds and enjoy standalone gold and gear collections, special events and unique side stories.

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AFTER I BEGIN, I need to explain that this guide contains some prejudice (its my guide, my thoughts) and that this guide was written in february, so it had references from the time (the release of HOV and the Chinese New Year Event). The ones you want are either HOV, SK, CH, S6 (if you do not get it, I will explain the names later). If you haven’t got one of those, don’t worry so much, it’s not so important at the early walks and you have lots of time to get others. The valkyries that I listed are the TOP TIER, which you will want later. If you want a good team and a simple supplication, seek to get one. If not, you can only start again and it’s up to you.

Try to find the Valkyrie that best suits your style of play, even if you don’t like one of its best, don’t worry, but you don’t have to go hardcore if you don’t actually want to. Late game is going to be hard without a good team, but you probably realized your team and probably have most valkyrie. Kiana’s are quick, Bronya’s got heavy damage from Himeko, Fu Hua have many combos, etc. Choose your style of play and then see in which valkyries you want to invest.

WC, CI, VB, BS, (t0 any degree valkyrie triumph) NOT INVEST IN. These valkyries are absolutely not good and should not be invested in. Most of them are your novice valkyries but they all have a major flaw, which makes them pretty bad (mainly very low damage). Even if you like them, you should know that there are better options, for example: toilets can be replaced by DP (both Kianas play in similar styles, but to slow down, and she is a psychic, except DP).

After your first S rank in Standard Gacha don’t waste crystals except if you get a ticket. Try saving diamonds for new valkyries like HOV that is a GOD TIER hero right now (he). The same goes for standard supplies trying to wait for good focused weapons such as’ Judah’s Oath,’ which makes Theresa really good. I know it’s tempting to take a standard because every 10 times you reach an A-rank but try to save, or at least expend, you will have a better chance of valkyries. TIP 1: If you haven’t know that you can only focus on 5 types of valkyries so try to look at them if there’s a valkyria. Example: I want DP in the area of HOV so I have a better chance to get her than normal. TIP 2: Although you only get a Valkyrie rank A for 10 times, it’d be better to do single pulls because every 10x pulls you WALL get the Valkyrie rank A even if you have only made singe supplies. It allows you to handle the treatment. You can also see if you click the banner at the top, scroll down to provide crate log to see what you got.

Don’t listen to STAMINA! Take it somewhere, stories, open world (LVL 30) or basic adventures. It’s not worth it since the game just offers you some lasting potions. You can use them whenever you like, so there’s no point in trying to save stamina. TIP: Seek to save at least 3 to 4 staminas. There are some cases where for some reason you’re searching for stamina. Save 3 or 4 stamina potions for use in stages in these emergencies. TIP 2: If you don’t use power, try the world open. Quite 2 suggests of more than 100 endurance, both USE CAPTAIN should be invested 50% EXP CHIP. Daily. Daily. Helps you a lot. Helps you a lot. Your valkyries max level is capped at your own level, so YOU should level up so that YOU can move forward.

Don’t go up any valkyrie. As said before, there are some valkyries in which you don’t have to spend. However, I personally don’t like some good valkyries. Ask before the trial, of course. Example: I don’t like the play-style Bronya so I don’t have any incentive to step her up.

Try to complete all of the changes when you finish the story. Every time you get 15 crystals. With some math, if you’re doing chapter 1 story stages normal (6 stamina per stage with 15 stages total) the math comes out with 225 “free” diamonds, it’s not so hard to say you get gold rewards every stage is full. TIME: Use a squad that causes a time fracture (slowing down time), a Bronya with a low-level laser weapon, and someone can cause a “frozen time.” My squad is: the VC (laser arm and time-fracture of low level since I don’t play it), the DP (frozen time), and the third mostly focused on a condition to complete the stage and often one of my strongest valkyries. I use VC for combo attacks because it’s pretty easy to spam onec and cause a time fracture with it.

FARM the ranks of valkyries. ALL ORDERS Will RANK UP TO SSS RANK. Your rating of valkyries is VERY critical so you always aim to get NS very early, as it’s pretty good to seek to get every valkyrie at least. Even if every new valkyrie doesn’t rate it, you get 100 EP (you can use it for your qualification points). Mid-late game only farm those you like until SSS doesn’t spend crystals on the store, except when you are desperate. But you should just wait, even then. Just try and spend gold on fragments of Valkyrie as they are worth it, but only if you have the gold to save. You can not invest 28 crystals in 1 frag when you have 16 endurance on a story process, and you sometimes spend the frag with minimal effort when you do it from the Command Center ALWAYS DO weekday activities. I don’t waste energy because they aren’t worth it at the training camp. BUT weekday events is the most convenient place to get MATERIALS without expense. Later on, you will need them to upgrade weapons and stigma. TIP: You can use these Ai-chan toks here, which she always sends because you don’t do the training camp. You get demanding attempts. Try to use them whenever you need materials and especially GOLD materials.

Complete the “Begin Learning Level.” You are rewarded not by diamonds at stages, but by the Challenge Mission. Tap on task and your choice valkyrie on your main screen (default WC). Then there’s a purple box to your right that says Challenge goal. Its right here. Its right here. You get some nice bonuses to end it.
ALSO 15 USE AN INVITATION CODE. It helps us really late gamers. I don’t do this as a plug-in, but I’m just reminding you that you and I get bonuses when you do it, so don’t overlook. Use this link for code search. I posted mine there, too.

There are plenty of guides for STIGMATA and WEAPONS but I recommend this jc3 playlist, which has a lot more experience than me. We go deeply and lead all the characters. Though, due to the game updates, their level lists may be incomplete so only see their latest videos on the level page.

You should actually try again if you did not understand the TUTORIAL at the top. When the most current upgrade was made, go to the bottom right of your phone and the last app called Archives. You don’t understand the concept after that click on the academy and do the stage. I would advise you to do all of them as they have 0 stamina with 15 dias per stage. These stages do not allow you to go through until you have finished the acton. Example: The Ultimate Evasion point, if you have not completed the level, you must finish it.



Ellen Johnston

Total alcohol enthusiast. Tv specialist. Bacon lover. Amateur student. Music ninja. Beeraholic. Food geek.