We’re Not “Getting Over It”

Ellen Hopkins
2 min readNov 10, 2016


Nope. Not getting over it. Look, if you voted for Trump, that was absolutely your right. But you don’t get to tell those of us who didn’t to get over it. And neither do you get to tell us you voted for the Trump with nothing but love in your heart because all you want is a strong economy and stronger military. Because while you might even believe that to be true, you voted for the rest, too. And you goddamn well know it.

I have spent a good number of hours in the last couple of days doing my best to comfort people I don’t even know personally, but they understand from my books and my public persona that I am a strong ally and advocate for people like them. People of color, people of faith-other-than-the-Christian-variety, people of the LGBT community. People who are scared for themselves, their children, their families, their spouses. They have every right to be scared, and you know it.

You can come back at me all day, spouting your “but Hillary supporters do this…” and maybe they do. I do not advocate violence, but maybe dissent and protest are the only way they believe they’ll be heard. This is not entertainment for them, and that’s not the same thing as painting swastikas on synagogues or burning black churches or ripping hijabs off women until they bleed in the street for NO OTHER REASON than their color or faith or sexual identity, and because you think it’s fun. And you know it.

There was no clear mandate in this election. Hell, half of you didn’t even bother to vote, and, quite obviously, voter suppression efforts had the desired effect. So while you’re celebrating, understand that more than half of this country isn’t celebrating with you. We will stand up for our LGBT friends and family members. We will stand up for our friends of color. We will stand up for our not-Christian friends. This is America, and by God, our children and siblings and parents and friends will not live in fear. We’re not going to get over it. We’re mobilizing.

