Handle Small Business Task Management Easily

2 min readJun 19, 2018


Are you having trouble managing tasks and keeping track of projects? Do you wish to have a better track of your project’s progress and due dates? An effective task management software for small business is an ultimate solution. As the time passes, keeping small businesses progressive and productive becomes challenging. With the growth of organisation, you do not have enough time to micro-manage. This is where project management software helps.

What Features to Seek in a Task Management Software?

Searching for a project management tool can be confusing and overwhelming with a wide array of programs, apps and tools available online, each software claiming to be the perfect. You may need to fine a software that matches your requirements.

Ease of Use:

The project management software is designed to make things simpler for your business rather than complicating things. This is why it is essential to consider software that is easy to use and manage. When choosing the task management tool for your business, make sure that it can be easily installed and integrated with other apps or programs. Think about the technicalities of the tool. How disruptive can this software be? What is the learning curve involved with this? Will it be integrated with other tools that you already have?


Many businesses do not stay same for a long time. Obviously, things always keep changing and such ineluctable ebbs and flows show that your business requirements will never be the same. Probably, you will end up growing older with time, requiring scalable solutions. Always consider this factor when you are searching for a suitable task management software for small business.

User Support:

Does matter how flawless or intuitive a program is, you will still experience occasional issues and bugs. This is the time when you will need exceptional customer support. Prior to making a final call on any task management software, make sure that you have carried out thorough research on how effective and responsive their user support is.


No doubt, you cannot ignore cost and it is truly a practical consideration. You must be flexible with budget and think about ROI.

Based on how big investment you are doing in task management software for your business, you may spend more time in analysing your needs and matching them with the available tools. Contact Quiddity for your task management software needs.




Quiddity is an all-encompassing CRM System designed to simplify decision-making and help you focus on more important aspects of your business.