How anonymous feedback from grantseekers supports Steve Morgan Foundation to explore more flexible funding

Ellen Smyth
CAST Writers
Published in
6 min readApr 29, 2024

Steve Morgan Foundation has now received more than 35 anonymous grantseeker reviews on GrantAdvisor UK. Programme Lead Ellen Smyth speaks to Liam Eaglestone CEO at Steve Morgan Foundation to hear about how collecting genuine feedback from grantees supports Steve Morgan Foundation to explore more flexible funding opportunities, including monitoring impact and grantee experiences during an unrestricted funding trial.

Do you want to create more flexible grantmaking opportunities? Read on to see how anonymous feedback makes a difference.

“We started this unrestricted funding trial before we started receiving feedback on GrantAdvisor UK, but the insight we collect is still really useful so we can keep learning. The more feedback we have from grantees on the value of unrestricted funding, the more clearly we can understand the benefits. This helps us build a case for exploring unrestricted funding more.” Liam Eaglestone, CEO at Steve Morgan Foundation

Ellen Smyth (CAST): Good to see you Liam and congratulations on reaching over 35 anonymous reviews! Could you share one emerging theme from the feedback you have received from grantseekers so far?

Liam Eaglestone (Steve Morgan Foundation): One of the themes emerging is around unrestricted funding. This is a live conversation for us so seeing feedback from grantees on that is really useful. We know that unrestricted funding is a really effective way of delivering impact.

“Perhaps be more flexible about the type of things prepared to fund — e.g. capital as well as core funding in some circumstances.” Anonymous grantseeker review November 2023, GrantAdvisor UK

What conversations are happening internally about unrestricted funding?

I think the challenge we are trying to address is how we can be more of an effective funder. We want to facilitate the work of the Foundation through the charities we support in the most effective way, and this includes considering things like multi year and unrestricted funding more. It is a new way of delivering grants for us so we want to dip our toe in. To do that we’re running a trial at the moment with six charities. We’ve awarded them each unrestricted funding and we’ll be monitoring how that goes.

Steve Morgan CBE with an organisation Steve Morgan Foundation supports

How is the feedback on GrantAdvisor UK supporting your decision making?

It’s that simple thing of having some evidence to support internal conversations. For example, we started this unrestricted funding trial before we started receiving feedback on GrantAdvisor UK, but the insight we collect is still really useful so we can keep learning. The more feedback we have from grantees on the value of unrestricted funding, the more clearly we can understand the benefits. This helps us build a case for exploring unrestricted funding more.

The gold dust: When you are exploring new approaches to grantmaking, internal discussion can feel a little bit entrenched at times. The kind of feedback we receive on GrantAdvisor UK really supports constructive discussion. Being able to read grantees’ experiences carries real weight. It helps us make decisions in a more scientific way.

“Once we were given unrestricted funding. I was surprised by the difference unrestricted funding made — we were able to adapt the investment to meet needs over the duration of the grant. Since then, I think unrestricted grants are really helpful and something to be at least considered. Having said that — we are SUPER happy with our project costed grant — I just wanted to share a surprising experience of unrestricted funding that we learned from.” Anonymous grantseeker review July 2023, GrantAdvisor UK

Tell us one thing your anonymous reviews suggest you are doing well?

It has been really nice to read a number of reviews that talk about the relational nature of the way that we work. I think that’s been really affirming for the team to see that we do stack up against our values. Human connection is important to us. We are engaged. I think the feedback shows that we’re not just people sat in an office making decisions behind computer screens. All of our grantees will have received an in person visit from Trustees, they’re genuinely interested in learning more about the people and the work. So I think it has been nice to read that this relational way of working is appreciated.

The Steve Morgan Foundation Team

“We hugely appreciated the time that was taken on getting to know us, coming to see what we do at our location and keeping in touch throughout the process. The team are hugely personable, professional and clearly dedicated to supporting communities.” Anonymous grantseeker review January 2024, GrantAdvisor UK

Could you share one thing your anonymous reviews suggest could be improved?

There has been some feedback that it takes too long to complete our applications. This is something we were loosely aware of. But as of yet we don’t have enough feedback on this. It is really useful for us to be keeping an eye on. We can then develop a bank of evidence to feed into our decision making. For example, if we receive more reviews like this we can say well, we know that our applications take quite a long time. That could be expensive in terms of time for grantees and their resources. We want to minimise that because we want our money to have the maximum impact and not to be diluted with loads of administration. That is a really strong position from which to prioritise where to make changes.

“It can be difficult to write application forms and put down in words what smaller groups do well, we know it will be time consuming, but talking to us can help you and us to ensure our communities benefit” Anonymous grantseeker review July 2023, GrantAdvisor UK

What would you say to a grantseeker who needs reassurance that funders are listening to the feedback they share?

All I could say for us is that we do look at all the feedback, and we do take it seriously. It is an important part of our ongoing learning process, which is at a Team level, but also a Trustee level. We review all of the feedback we receive every month during our team meetings and it is regularly shared with our Trustees. I know the anonymity of the feedback is really important and I really welcome your open, genuine feedback. It has been so helpful for us and we are very grateful.

Join the conversation:

  • Share your anonymous feedback with funders: Are you a grantseeker interested in sharing your experience working with UK grantmakers? Funders are listening. It takes 5 minutes to share your anonymous feedback. You can also browse almost 500 anonymous grantseeker reviews — this is the kind of peer-peer insight that can help you with your funding applications.
  • Register for free on GrantAdvisor UK: Are you a funder interested in hearing what grantseekers have to say? Want to gather in-depth insight — for free — on what you are doing well and how you can improve? Register here.
  • Questions? We’d love to hear from grantseekers and grantmakers. Share your reflections, questions and ideas so we can create more impact together. If you are a funder — what support do you need to start gathering feedback from grantees? If you are a grantseeker — how do you feel about the changes funders have made, so far, in response to grantseeker feedback? How can we make it easier for you to share your experiences? Contact us at

You can also read more reflections from Liam Eaglestone CEO at Steve Morgan Foundation on why anonymity plays an important role in collecting genuine feedback from grantseekers.

